Chapter 22

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The dinner that Lord Selwyn presented that evening in honor of his daughter's return to Evenfall was a lavish and sumptuous feast. All of the members of the Small Council who had taken refuge on Tarth were in attendance, including Lady Tarly and her children. The King entered, suitably late, escorted by Ser Podrick, and was given his place at the head of the table. Brienne and Jaime sat at the opposite end of the banquet, flanking The Evenstar, who refused to give up his grandson to either the child's mother or father. It was a merry event, and the joyful festivities almost helped the guests forget how close they had come to disaster in the capital.

The late hours were spent in laughter and celebration. Lord Tyrion regaled the guests over tales of his travels in the east, as Lord Bronn made snide but good natured remarks at his expense. To everyone's relief, The Master of Coin eventually lost interest and occupied himself instead making passes at the serving maids. Podrick sat at the elbow of the King, doing his best to hide the snickering which threatened to dissolve into full laughter at the bickering between the two Lords. Ser Davos found himself thoroughly engrossed in conversation with Lord Selwyn on the history of Tarth and its hearty seafaring inhabitants. Gilly did her best to stop Samwell, the Grand Maester, from interjecting his own self-imagined expertise on the subject from knowledge recently learned in Evenfall's library. The young wilding woman's ability to censor her husband, and simultaneously tend to her children amazed Brienne, who could not seem to stop her thoughts from wondering to King Bran's prediction for her future that Jaime had shared, and the child she was beginning to hope now burgeoned in her womb. Jaime noticed her sweetly preoccupied demeanor and grinned adoringly, imagining the thoughts that played within her mind. He found it impossible to take his eyes from her as the night flew by.

Once the heavy plates of savory meats and sweet ocean delicacies had been cleared from the table, and a decadent dessert of pastries and puddings, had been enjoyed, Lord Selwyn stood, drawing the attention of all gathered in the Great Hall. With a broad gleeful smile of his face, and a sleeping babe in one arm, The Evenstar lifted his full goblet high and saluted King Bran. "To your health and prosperity, Your Grace." He toasted. "Long live The King." He proclaimed. Lord Selwyn's well wishes were echoed by the other as they stood and hoisted their cups toward the young Monarch.

"And to you, My Lord." Bran answered, raising his own goblet to The Evenstar. "Thank you for your hospitality and protection." The King lowered his head solemnly, and drank gratefully." His eyes pleased and calm as if he had no cares in the world.

"To our host!" Ser Davos echoed. At that everyone soundly voiced their agreement, and downed their wine gladly.

After the salutations and pleasantries, Lord Selwyn remained standing. His gaze rested upon Galladon, the loving look of a proud patriarch upon his features. He continued to rest his goblet absently in his other fist. After a moment, he sighed happily and turned his adoring look to Brienne. Holding out his cup in her direction, he at last continued. "Please join me in toasting my darling daughter." He asked his guests.

Jaime brightened immediately, bolting to the edge of his seat and straightening to attention. The smile which spread over his face beamed with admiration as he regarded the woman he loved across the table. Brienne gave a soft murmur of bashful laughter and lowered her eyes.

"Oh Father, please don't." She begged. "Not for me." She beseeched, her usual self denying sense of duty overwhelming her.

Lord Selwyn looked proudly over his daughter, but would not be swayed. "It is not every day my sweet child returns home." He announced. "Nor brings me the precious gift of such a fine grandchild." He gushed, his eyes washing over Galladon. Brienne regarded her father and found tears in her eyes at the sight of him holding her son. It was she from whom Jaime could not remove his gaze.

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