I Don't Know

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My eyes fluttered open at the sounding of my internal alarm clock at sunrise. As per usual, I meditated and spoke to the Earth Mother.

What should I do, Mother? Please, I need your guidance. I don't know what I'm doing...

Do what is right, my protector... Do what is right...

After that, I stood and walked up to the kitchen.

What's that supposed to mean? What is right?

I think that's the point, Indie. Only you know what's right for you.

Shut up and stop being wise. It's annoying.

Wow, hurtful.

When I reached the kitchen, I was surprised to find my whole family eating breakfast. Usually, my parents left for work before I was awake, not to mention Mikey sitting at the table, enjoying a plate of pancakes.

Wait. Pancakes?

My stomach gave an audible rumble and every head turned to look at me. I smiled sheepishly. "Hey."

Mikey was the first to speak. "Hey."

I walked over to the kitchen table (the one we used every meal except dinner) and sat down next to Mikey. "What are you doing here?" I asked as I picked up his fork and started to eat his chocolate chip pancakes.

Knowing me, he just pushed his plate over and said, "I stayed overnight, remember?"

I smirked and said, "True."

Mother picked the plate out from in front of me and handed it back to Mikey with a fresh fork, before replacing Mikey's plate with one of my own. "What about you two?" I asked. "Normally, you're away at work."

"You just got back," Father said, surprised at my question. "I'm not letting you out of my sight."

I smiled into my pancakes. "So what's on the agenda today?"

"Well, it's Monday, so you can either go to school or stay home. Your mother and I have to go to work, and Michael to school, but you can stay home if you want."

"Oh! Yeah, sure, I'll go to school. What's the story anyway about... you know..." I gave a nervous cough and reached for the water Mother had set out for me.

"You were kidnapped by some kids who used to go to Darenger's and thought that it would be funny if they took the headmaster's granddaughter for a little field trip. You were taken to Montana where the cops found you alone in the woods and brought you back," Father said, as if he had been waiting for me to ask.

I nearly spit out the water I was drinking. "You can't honestly think that people will believe that."

"They already do," Father said.

I laughed incredulously. "How stupid are they?"

"Now, In-. Artio. There's no need for that. People believe what they want to believe. Nothing less and nothing more. If they want to believe that there is a logical explanation, then there is one. In their mind, at least," Mother chastised.

"Okay, okay, if you say so. I'll just go get ready then." I stood from the table and walked out of the kitchen. I strode up the stairs to the third floor and into my room.

Trying my hardest not to look to closely at the eerily same room, I quickly got dressed and went into my bathroom.

I looked in the mirror, and recoiled. I had seen myself in reflections before, but I guess I hadn't really looked at myself. My brown hair came down in waves of silk that framed my sun kissed face. My skin seemed to glow with the light of the sun, completely different from the usual pale skin I had before my transformation. My chin that I used to hate because it jutted out too far seemed to make me look stronger. My icy blue gaze seemed to pierce the glass like two icicles about to fall and crush whoever was in their way. My acne had completely disappeared and I seemed to grow into my height overnight.

I was... dare I say it... hot.

And I was absolutely terrified.

I brushed my hair and teeth quickly and left the bathroom at a run. I didn't even know who I was anymore. But after seeing my reflection, I knew it was official. Indigo Calypso just didn't exist anymore.


I jumped at Minimus's voice and turned to face him with a smile. "Yeah, yeah, just fine, Squirt. Look, I'm going to school today so you need to stay in the woods downstairs until I get back."

Minimus seemed to pout. BUT I DON'T WANNA.

You can run around all day chasing turkeys and hares. What else could you want? And it's just for a while, until I get back from school and you can come back upstairs with me.

Minimus still looked reluctant, so I added, "Pleeeeeeease?"


I smiled and scooped Minimus up, cuddling him to my neck and kissing his head. "Thank you."


I ran downstairs with my backpack slung over one arm and Minimus snuggled in the nook of the other. I quickly put him in the woods room and ran upstairs to meet Mikey.

"You ready?" Mikey asked upon seeing me.

"As ready as I'll ever be," I said in a shaky voice, trying to calm my nerves.

Mikey, bless his heart, sensed my distress and held out his arm. "Your carriage awaits, Lady Darenger."

"Why thank you, Lord Gordon," I said smiling and taking his arm. "I would be so happy if you would accompany me."

"Then accompany you, I shall." He smiled his lopsided smile and I laughed as we made our way out of the house.

Maybe today wouldn't be so terrible after all.


Today was terrible.

Now Artio, it wasn't that bad.

It was pretty bad.

Vir. You aren't helping.

Everyone crowding around me in the hallways, trying to get me to tell them the juicy details of my kidnapping. I barely know most of them!

Well Mikey was there to tell those kids to scram, wasn't he?

But not before over two hundred people ran up to me shouting. "Hey! Indie! You remember me from first grade right? Joseph Gardner?" And I'm like No, I don't know you. Stay the fu-


Funk away from me. But no. They just don't know when to quit!

They're a bunch of prepubescent children who live in Nowhereville, USA, and you were kidnapped. What did you expect?

Vir. Shut. Up.

And I didn't know what the heck was going on in any of my classes. How am I supposed to know what the heck a mol is for atomic structures or whatever the heck Mr. Peroski was saying.

Well. There's that.

And it's like I've turned ADHD overnight! I can't sit still! Every time I do, I either end up meditating or falling asleep or staring out a window talking to you two!

Which I discouraged, might I point out.

And I encouraged, I might point out.

I can't do this! I can't pretend to be someone I'm not! I just can't.

So what are you going to do?


I don't know.

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