Meet Vir

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I woke up to a tremendous pain in my side. It wasn't the worst pain I'd ever been in, but it did hurt like a son-of-a-gun. I grabbed my side and sat up groaning. I looked around and saw that I was in my room. How did I get here? I was running in the woods and-

And then Father shot me! I screamed out, "Father!"

He walked in the room. "Ah, I see you're awake."

"No thanks to you!" I screamed, the annoyance clear in my voice.

"So, no hard feelings then?"


"With a taser, you're fine."

"Did you lure me with venison scent?" I accused.

"Well, I knew you wouldn't come running for anything less," my father tried to reason. "And I just so happened to have some on me at the time."

"I can't believe you! I wasn't doing anything wrong! Why would you shoot me?!"

"Were you really going to walk out of there voluntarily?"

"That doesn't make the situation better!"

"You're right. It doesn't. I'm sorry. Now, can you tell me, what were you doing in the forest?"

"Working off some steam."

"I heard you howl."


"The whole neighborhood heard your howl."

"So? They're wolf-bloods."

"So what if someone was visiting them that didn't know about wolf-bloods? What if now they suspect because you were careless and let them hear you howl?"

I stayed quiet. I knew better than to question my father. He always knew how to make me see sense.

He sighed, "Did you show the Gordon's the basement?" I shook my head. "Why not?" he asked.

"I intended to, I really did. But when they stepped in the house, I became protective. Who were these wolves to come onto my land? And Vox kept telling me to calm down, that I had invited them in, they were trustworthy. But I got the pain in my gut, and I couldn't calm down, and so Mrs. Gordon dragged Mikey out of there and-," I was starting to get teary-eyed, "and now he thinks I'm a monster."

Father reached out to touch me but I shrugged him away. "And then Vox was telling me how I had to control my inner wolf, and I got confused and I asked her, 'Aren't you my inner wolf?' but she didn't respond. So I panicked. I had to clear my head, so I went to the woods. I ran around as my wolf and I howled and I was getting some water when I smelt the deer. And I heard another voice. It wasn't Vox this time it was something else, urging me to go get the deer. I didn't think about it too much before, because there was a deer at steak, but now I'm starting to wonder if I'm going crazy," I told him before I collapsed into tears. He pulled me into a bear hug and just held me while I cried.

After a while of this, he pulled me back from his shoulder. He wiped my tears and told me, "I'm sure Michael doesn't think you're a monster."

"How can you know?" I asked him.

"Because I talked to Mrs. Gordon. And she told me that right when they got home, they told him about us."

"That makes it worse!! Now not only will he think I'm a complete freak, but he'll think I'm a lier!"

"She assured me that he placed no blame on you what-so-ever."

"Not that it matters if I'm insane," I tried to say in a joking tone.

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