Artio Flidais

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I sat outside the door, my bag on my shoulder and Minimus at my feet, steeling my nerves.

Just do it.

Quick and easy. Like a band-aid.

Like a band-aid.

I took a deep breath and knocked on my father's study door. "Come in," he called.

Still attempting to calm my nerves, I twisted the knob and entered the room. Father's surprised face greeted me as I shut the door behind me. His eyes went from my anxious face to the bag on my back and Minimus at my feet. "What's up, Artio?" he asked cautiously.

I took another breath and said, "I'm leaving. Going back to the woods."

His face seemed to fall. "What?" he asked blankly.

I hurried to explain. "It's not you! It's not any of you, trust me. You have all been normal and amazing and exactly as I remembered you. It's just that I don't really belong here anymore. I mean, Maroon 5 and private school for the Protector of the Wild?" I shook my head and let out a sharp laugh. "It just doesn't make any sense. So, I just came to tell you that I'm not staying. I'm going back out to the woods. In fact, I'd already be gone, but I didn't want this to be like last time." I looked to the ground and said, "So I guess what I'm trying to say in my own roundabout way is that I'm leaving and I wanted to say goodbye."

At this point, Father stood in front of me and grabbed onto my shoulders. I looked up to find him with tears in his eyes looking down at me. Father pulled me into a tight hug. "You know you don't have to do this, right?" he asked in a constricted voice.

I blinked back tears and said, "I know. But I want to."

Eventually, Father pulled back with a forced smile on his face. His eyes were watering and he said, "Well, I never thought that my daughter would be moving out at just thirteen. But, then again, I never thought that my little girl could grow up so quickly, either. I know that you'll be amazing at whatever you want to do in life, Squirt."

I felt my own eyes start to water at his sentiment. I quickly looked away and dried them before turning back to him with my own fake smile plastered on. "Well, I guess I should go say goodbye to Mother and Mikey." My smile fell a little as I looked into his dark brown eyes, so much different from mine. "Goodbye, Father."

He reached out and pushed a stray piece of hair behind my ear. "Goodbye, Artio."

Before I could burst into tears, I turned to the door and picked up Minimus.

"Just," Father started, stopping me. "Don't be a stranger."

At the door frame, I turned and nodded before turning and leaving his office.

One down.

Two to go.





Shut up.


I walked up to the kitchen where Mother was currently making lunch. She had been given the week off to reconnect with me.

And there I was, about to tell her that I was leaving again for an unknown amount of time.

The band-aide approach?

It worked last time, right?

Just go.

I took a deep breath and walked into the kitchen. Mother was currently boiling noodles to make mac-n-cheese. I smiled. It was my favorite.

"Mother?" I said.

She half-turned to face me, still more focused on the stove. "Yeah, Artio?"

I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

Well that's a first.


You. Not talking.

Oh, shut up.

There you go again!

Vir. Shut up.

Why is everyone ganging up on me?

Because you deserve it and-

"Artio? Are you alright?"

I snapped out of my conversation and looked over at Mother. I smiled weakly and seemed to find my words. "Do you remember when I snapped on you and then you came up to my room to tell me that if I wanted to leave, you wouldn't hold it against me?"

She smiled sadly in response. "I knew this day was coming."

"Y-you did?" I asked, surprised.

"You're a different girl now. If this isn't the place for you now, which I know it isn't, then you shouldn't have to stay. You belong somewhere out there. But that place just isn't here."

I smiled in relief. She seemed to know exactly what I was thinking before I said it. "Thank you," I said in a voice barely louder than a whisper.

"Of course, Hun. Just promise me that wherever you're going, you won't forget about where it started. Never forget your family."

I nodded. "I promise." Not feeling quite as bad as I had when telling Father, I smiled a bit and said, "Goodbye, Mother."

She pulled me in for a tight hug and kissed my forehead. "Goodbye, Sweetheart. I'll have lunch ready for you when you get back."

I laughed lightly and said, "I look forward to it." And I did.


I let out a deep breath in front of Mikey's house. Twiddling the paper and C.D. in my hands, I knocked lightly on the door. I knew before the door swung open that Mickey wouldn't be answering.

"Oh! Hello, Indigo. Michael isn't here right now," Mrs. Gordon said almost apologetically. Which, of course, I already knew. I had known that this one would be the hardest to get through, so I didn't want to do it face to face.

"That's fine," I said smiling sheepishly. "I actually just wanted to drop this off for him. Do you think you could give it to him when he gets back?"

She smiled warmly, probably thinking the exact opposite of what the letter was saying and the message the songs delivered. But, I just didn't have the strength or determination to correct her. "Sure," she said, still with her warm smile.

"Thanks," I said, turning away from her.

"See you around, Indie!" she called after me as I walked away.

I didn't return the gesture. Instead I walked away, ignoring the guilt I felt for leaving Mikey again. Ignoring the feeling of coldness that seemed to settle in as the warm, hot cocoa feeling faded. Ignoring the tear that fell down my cheek and onto the warm, summer pavement.

Vox and Vir, for all of their faults, knew better than to taunt me about liking Mikey right now. In fact, they stayed quiet through the whole walk. Have I ever mentioned how much I love my wolves?

After a period of time that both seemed to last a lifetime and no time at all, we reached the woods. I turned back to face my first home.

"Goodbye," I whispered to the turrets of Darenger's; to the Welcome to Dunderson! town sign; to the life I had known and loved for twelve long years; to everything that made me Indigo Calypso Darenger.

The time for Indigo had come and gone. Now was my turn to make a difference as Artio Flidais.

And nothing would hold me back.

I turned back to the woods, took off my clothes, and shifted.

And then I ran.

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