Besties Forever

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"Michael?" my mom called as I walked into our house.

"Yeah, Mom?" I asked.

"There's a letter and CD for you on the counter!" she called from the other side of the house. She was probably doing laundry or something.

"Who from?" I called to her, but got no response.

Shrugging, I strode into the kitchen and picked up the letter and disk, heading up to my room. I sat down on my small bed in my small room and opened up the letter.


Hey. Wow, that sounded stupid.

Anyway, I've been thinking about... things. And I came to the decision that I just can't stay here. I hope that you don't think that it's you or anything. Because, honestly, it's not. I just... changed. Changed into someone who doesn't like sitting through classes while there's a whole world to explore and help and save. That probably makes me sound like a tree hugging hippie, but so be it.

But I didn't want this to be like last time. I don't want you to worry about me or to go search for me. I'm fine, and I'm safe. As always. And if I recall correctly, I made you a promise that I would always come back. I will, no matter what happens, come home to you.

I don't really know what else to say, except that I burned you a CD of a couple of songs that probably say everything that I'm trying to a thousand times better. Please listen to them.

So, I guess this is goodbye. For now.


Indigo (Artio) Darenger, Knee-er of Boys' Balls.

(P.S. Don't forget: We're friends forever. Yeah?)

A teardrop fell onto the page of Indigo's writing. I started before I realized that it had been my own.

Quickly, I wiped my eyes and set the letter aside. Potens and Amicum were silent and seemed to be in a state of pure shock. I picked up the CD and slid it into my computer, plugging in my headphones as I did.

I closed my eyes and the songs started with a steady guitar strumming.

Do you hear me? I'm talking to you. Across the water, across the deep blue ocean, under the open sky. Oh my, and baby, I'm trying.

Boy, I hear you in my dreams. I feel you whisper across the sea. I keep you with me in my heart. You make it easier when life gets hard.

Lucky I'm in love with my best friend. Lucky to have been where I have been. Lucky to be coming home again.


They don't know how long it takes, waiting for a love like this. Every time we say goodbye I wish we had one more kiss. I'll wait for you, I promise you, I will.

Lucky I'm in love with my best friend. Lucky to have been where I have been. Lucky to be coming home again. Lucky we're in love in every way. Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed. Lucky to be coming home someday.

And so I'm sailing through the sea to an island where we'll meet. You'll hear the music fill the air. I'll put a flower in your hair.

Though the breeze is through the trees, and oh, so pretty, you're all I see. As the world keeps spinning 'round. You hold me right here, right now.

Lucky I'm in love with my best friend. Lucky to have been where I have been. Lucky to be coming home again. Lucky we're in love in every way. Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed. Lucky to be coming home someday.

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