Rogue Family

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"You did what?" Lenus asked after I finished telling him of my encounter.

"I kneed him in the balls. But that's not important, the important part is that there are people near us, and we have to move," I insisted.

"You kneed him in the balls? Why?" Lenus asked, still confused.

"I told you, he was trying to hurt that bird."

"Do you realize how much it hurts to be kneed there?" Lenus insisted.

"What? Lenus, you aren't hearing me: PEOPLE! IN THE WOODS! HEADING TOWARDS OUR CAMP!"

"No, I heard that part, but why did you do that in the first place? I mean, I get that you're Anu's protector and everything, but really, did you have to got to such measures?" Lenus asked. He hadn't moved from his place at the fire. Orvar, Mikey, and Deu were sitting together, watching our exchange like two avid tennis fans watching the ball pass from court to court. 

"Really, Lenus? You want me to explain my reasoning behind kneeing him? Well fine. I was angry. I was angry at you, I was angry at Deu and Orvar and Mikey. I was angry at all of you, because even though you claim to be close to Anu, and that you always know she's there, you never, ever think of her when you need her. No one, ever, thinks of Anu before everyone else, and it's making me nutty. So when I saw an idiotic nut-job in the forest blatantly disrespecting my mother, I snapped. Sue me. Now, can we leave yet, or are we going to continue sitting here and questioning my life choices?"

I turned and stalked back to my tent, leaving a dumbstruck Lenus behind me. I got into my tent and started packing up my things.

Artio? Are you okay? 

I'm fine, Vox. 

No, you're not. 

So what? So what if I'm angry and upset? I'm leaving for home anyway, so it won't even matter anymore.

You always matter, Indie. And we can't exactly leave you alone, we're kind of permanently attached. So, if you want to talk about it- 

I don't. Now, are you going to help me pack, or not?

I finished packing up my things and then stood to leave the tent. When I exited, I saw the four of them still sitting at the fire, not looking like they had moved an inch. I gave them an exasperated look and said, "I wasn't kidding, guys. They're going to be here soon." I turned my back on them and took down my tent.

"Indie? You aren't going to move with them, are you?" I turned to see Mikey looking at me.

"No, I thought I was leaving for home with you," I said, confused. What did he think?

"Good. I thought, maybe you changed your mind, or something," he said sheepishly.

"Why would you think that?" I asked. "Look, I may have spent a couple of months with these people, but I spent thirteen years with you." 

He nodded and smiled, then started for me. "I'll help with that," he offered.

I was about to refuse, but then rolled my eyes instead. If he wanted to help, let him. Less work for me, right? I turned back to the tent and he came up on the other side of me. Together, we took down the tent and packed it away. 

When we were done, we turned back towards my friends. They were all finishing up packing away their things. I turned to Mikey and looked him in the eyes. "Will you give me a second?"

He nodded with understanding and said, "Of course." I handed him the bag and he walked off into the woods. I went to the fire and started stomping it out and covering the coals with dirt and leaves. I turned to throw the stumps we used as seats into the woods, but heard Deu say, "Let me."

I nodded and she picked up the seats and threw them into the tree line. I looked over at Lenus and Orvar, standing next to each other with their packs on their backs. 

Heh, that rhymed.



Not helping.

Got it.

I looked at Orvar, mostly. He had one thumb under the strap of his backpack, the other in his pocket. He seemed very interested in a rock near his foot. 

Eventually, he looked up at me, and I tried to smile at him. Needless to say, I failed miserably and felt myself tearing up. He and I walked towards each other and wrapped into a hug. "I'm gonna miss you, Arrow Boy," I snivelled into his shoulder.

"You too, Bear Lady," he said into my hair. "I'll miss you more than you know."

"I'll see you again," I promised. "I'll run all the way to Oregon if I have to."

Orvar laughed. "I don't think that'll be necessary, Artio."

I pulled away from him and looked up at his blue eyes, so like mine. "Say hi to Missy for me," I told him.

"Of course." He leaned forward and kissed my cheek. "I'll see you, Indigo," he told me. 

I looked at him and said, "Yeah. You will, Hector."

Orvar smiled and backed off, giving Deu a chance to rush in. "Oh, Artio," she said, pulling me into a hug. "You be good, now, my Bearish Maiden. I'm always watching," she warned.

"Yeah, yeah." I whispered into her ear, "Don't let Lenus get away." She pulled back and slapped my arm. "Hey!" I protested.

"You're gonna pay for that one," she warned.

"Oh, whatever. I'll see you, Blod."

She grinned her usual Deu grin and pulled me back in for another hug. "See you, Artio."

That left just Lenus to say goodbye to. He and I looked at each other, smiled, and ran into our hug. "I'm gonna miss you, darling."

"I'm gonna miss you, Lenus."

"Now no kneeing anyone in the balls, no near-death experiences, and no killing any bears, alright?"

"Cross my heart," I said. "As long as you don't kidnap anyone, run into any walls, or jump out of any windows."

"Yeah, yeah." He pulled me in for one last hug and kissed the top of my head. "See you, darling."

"See you, Lenus." 

He pulled back by Deu and Orvar. "I'll miss you guys. But I know I'll see you again. So, I'm not going to say goodbye. Even if I don't see you, I'll never forget my rogue family. You'll always be with me."

I couldn't stand it. I walked up to them and wrapped them in a group hug. "I lied. I'm a liar. I have to say it." I pulled back from them and looked at them all. "Goodbye."

Deu gave me another hug and said, "Goodbye, Artio."

Lenus patted my cheek and said, "You always know what to say to make me feel okay. I'm gonna miss that. Goodbye, darling."

Orvar reached out and grabbed my hand, squeezing gently. "Goodbye, Artio."

I walked backwards from them and inclined my head at them. They did the same and I turned and walked to where I saw Mikey go before I could break down and cry.

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