Artio's Future

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I stepped out into the woods, repeating my mantra over and over again: Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry... My resolve, though, faded once I saw Mikey's worried face. I felt my throat close up and my chin start to do that weird shaky thing that always happens when I cry. I took a deep breath and tried to calm down.

I had to turn away from Mikey in order to stay strong, so I turned and whistled for Minimus. He came bounding out and jumped up into my arms.

"Hey, Squirt. Come on, let's go," I said to him, my voice cracking on the last word.


"Nothing's wrong. Come on." I turned to Mikey and said, "Could you please turn around?"

He still had that obnoxious concern on his face, but he nodded and turned. I set down Minimus and he ran over by Mikey, leaving me alone to take off my clothes and shift.


I didn't respond to her, fearing I may just break into tears.

Indie? You know you can talk to us about anything, right? 

Yeah, yeah sure. I know.

When I didn't elaborate, he said Alright, girl. Just know that we're always here for you. 

I shifted and gave myself over to my wolves. I just couldn't function in my current state. Vox and Vir walked in front of Mikey to show him I was finished and then turned around to give Mikey the same chance.

When finished, we regarded each other, and then set off for the motel Mikey and Father had been staying at.

We will see them again, right?

Of course we will. I know it. 

Mikey and I took the last couple of steps out of the woods and into the street. Looking to the left, I could see the club, Nightforms, closed up for the day. On the left, I saw the small motel, Sunny Day. All at once, a wave of fear flushed through me.

I can't do this.

What? Artio, we came all this way to see Father again. 

I know. Maybe I just don't want to see him anymore.

Indie. Yes you do. You're just scared. 

Psh, me? Scared? Never.

Then go over to the motel and see Father. 

Alright, fine. I'm scared. 

Artio, you're fine. Just take a step forward. Come on, let's go home. 

"I-I can't," I said shakily.

Mikey reached out and grabbed my shoulders. He turned me so that I was facing him. "Yes you can."

"No, I can't!" I said.

"I have seen you jump from trees and stick the landing. I have seen you collapse a building in on itself. And you're telling me Indigo "Artio" Darenger, knee-er of boy's balls, can't face her father?"

I had to smile and the last remark. When he said it like that, it seemed so simple. But... "What about Minimus? We can't just leave him here," I said, clamoring for any excuse I could find.

"Indie. He's a bear. He'll be fine. Come on, your dad's been going crazy." Mikey looked into my eyes with determination prominent in his features.

"I'm never getting out of this, am I?" I asked. Mikey shook his head and I sighed. "Fine. Let's go." He and I crossed the street and walked up to the room indicated by Mikey.

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