chapter three.

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When I came home, the therapist's office had already called my dad to tell him that I walked out of my appointment. I got yelled at for that, which I was expecting. But what caught me by surprise was that my dad saw me when I got home. He saw me get off of Rafe's bike. He saw Rafe and I talking. I was just grateful he didn't know what we were talking about.

Because of what I did, my dad ended up taking his anger out on me, something he hadn't done in a little while. I was left with bruises on my ribs and arms, since they were mainly where he got me. I spent that night locked in my room, crying to myself about how I got myself in this position. 

I was so distraught, I didn't know what to do, so I ended up doing the one thing that took my mind off of everything. It was the perfect time to try Barry's coke. I took the amount that Barry was able to give me, and it hit me different than any substance I've consumed before. I realized that both Liv and Rafe weren't kidding when they said Barry had the good shit. I knew that I was going to be needing more of it.

The next day, I left my house, not planning to return until it was dark. I wanted to head to Barry's to get some more since it really helped me the night before. I managed to take fifty bucks from my dad's wallet this morning before I left the house, so I thought that should be enough to get a good amount to hold me over until the next time I saw Rafe.

And while I was on my way to Barry's, I was praying Rafe would be there. I wanted to talk to him about his proposal from yesterday, and I didn't know how else to get to him. 

I approached Barry's trailer, nervous for whatever I was about to walk into. As I walked into the porch, I saw Barry sitting there counting money before he noticed me.

"Welcome back, pretty lady." He grinned. "Back for more?" He asked and I held up the fifty dollars to show him that I was back for more. He nodded as he stood up and walked over to me. "Shit's good, ain't it?" He chuckled as he took the money out of my hand.

"Mhm," I nodded. "Hey uh, d-do you know where I could find Rafe?" I asked him, not wanting to sound creepy. I noticed he was here by himself, which told me Rafe wasn't around like I was hoping he was.

Barry looked at me with a confused look on his face, and if I were him I probably would look at me that way too. There was no reason for me to want to see Rafe, but I couldn't tell him why I wanted to.

"I don't fuckin' know." Barry shrugged.

"Oh," I nodded softly. "I-I just thought that since you guys were uh, f-friends-"

"We ain't friends." He chuckled. "He's just a kid who buys shit off of me."

"Right." I nodded. "Sorry."

"Gimme a sec." Barry nodded before he headed inside.

I was left alone on the porch, wondering how I could see Rafe again. I guess I'd have a long walk back to Figure Eight to figure that out.

Barry soon returned, tossing me a small clear bag with the white powder substance in it. "Thanks." I said to him as I looked down at the bag.

"Whatchu need country club for anyways?" He questioned as he sat back down on the chair where he was counting his money.

From what I gathered yesterday by Barry answering Rafe when I first got to the trailer, I caught on that Rafe was known as country club.

"I uh, I just wanted to talk to him about something." Was all I said. "Thanks again." I nodded as I began to head for the door of the porch.

"If you see Rafe, tell that lil' shit he still owes me my money!" Barry yelled as I exited his trailer.

I ignored him, not knowing what to say to that. I didn't even know what he meant.

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