Chapter 1: Before The Girl

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Once there was a baby, with long blonde locks of hair. She was a hybrid half vampire and fairy she didn't know that and that one day she was going to become queen of all the lands including the underworld. But for that to happen we need to go right back to the start before this girl was born. "Margo, I'm leaving without you, if you don't hurry the hell up!" Explained Margo's mother as she was going to be late for her conference call. "I'll walk mum." And with those three words Margo's mother was off. Margo who was wearing her favourite white dress with the vines and flowers draped across it she rushed out the doors and ran into this extremely handsome boy who was wearing a black suit caught her as if he knew she would trip. 'That boy, that boy where do I know him from then it clicked the boy from school.' I think to myself "OMG, I am so sorry, wait a minute I think we go to school together, Zayn, right?" I spoke to the extremely fit and handsome boy. "Yeah, I'm Zayn your Margo, right?" He said doing a little bow, "yep I'm Margo, are you on your way to school? Would you like to walk with me?" I did a curtsy as I knew he was a royal. "Yes, I'm on my way to school and I'd love to walk with you." Margo and Zayn talked the entire way to school getting to know each other just as they were about to get to school a car passed and Zayn's happy expression on his face turned to a frown. "Are you ok?" Margo asked "yep, I'm fine." He started jogging off towards school.

For the rest of that day, it seemed as though Zayn was avoiding Margo until science where they had to sit together. "Hey." I say to Zayn. Zayn had no response back. "So, you're avoiding me now?" Margo says as she sees his cheeky little smile pop into action, she knew he would talk to her. "It's complicated but we can't be seen together." His words left Margo puzzled and wanting to know more about her mysterious boy because this clearly wasn't what he was going to say. "Why not?" At this point his cheeky smile has disappeared and he was ignoring her yet again. As the day passed it was time to go home but as Margo was walking out the front of school there were two limousines parked out the front. Margo recognised one which belonged to her family and the other she saw Zayn hop into. 'Great the entire school now knows I'm a princess. At least they don't know I'm a fairy with healing powers' I think to myself.

Margo prepared the entire ride home for the lecture from her mother as Margo knew only when she was in deep trouble, she got picked up in the limo with her favourite driver Joe who is given strict orders not to talk to Margo. When Margo walked through the door She ran straight to her room and there her mother is sitting on her bed. "Margo, what do you think you were doing this morning?" She yelled at Margo "walking to school like I was supposed to be doing." I look puzzled at my mother who then pulls up a photo of Margo and Zayn chatting away while walking to school. "Please answer me what were you doing with this boy?" She yelled again. "Walking with my new friend Zayn." Margo says to her mother as if her mother needs to know everything in the world. "You are not to see him again understand, next time the punishment will be worse," She says looking dead into my eyes "As for now you will be driven to school and back home. If anyone reports to me saying you are with him, you will have personal bodyguards at school. This boy and his family are a threat to our family." And with that she flied back to her office to sign some documents. Margo grabbed her phone and started texting Zayn "Hey Zayn, it's Margo here I want to meet you at this address 672 dragon road. This is a bookshop that no one goes in. I'll see you there at 5:30pm." Margo sent it and started packing a bag for the bookshop. "Mum, I'm going to the bookshop to see if there are any new books I haven't read yet." Margo yelled so that her mother would hear. "Hey joe, I'm heading to the little bookshop thanks." Margo spoke to her favourite driver Joe.

When Margo got to the old wooden bookshop, she told Joe that he could drive around and pick her up at 7 this would give her time to talk with Zayn and choose some books. At 5:30 Zayn walked in and came and sat with Margo on the 2-person couch that was brown with a little rip on one of the corner of one of the cushions. "Hey, so what did you want to talk about?" Zayn said to Margo looking around the old and dusty bookshelves "I wanted to ask why our families hate each other so much. All mums told me was that your family is a threat to our family." Margo says. Zayn starts talking to Margo which for some reason made Margo feel safe "well as you know your family are an original fairy family and that you have healing powers. Well, my family is an original vampire family with powers of moving any object with my mind. Well, your family are the royals of the world, my family are the rulers of the underworld and they never really got on well, so they actually hate each other and didn't want us to meet," As he go to the last part Margo's mouth dropped wide open she never knew that he knew all this stuff. "What do you say we go have some fun and we won't talk unless we are in science and talking about science related things?" By this Margo knew exactly what Zayn was talking about so she started nodding her head furiously. They snuck of to the bathrooms at the back of the bookshop and had their fun.

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