Chapter 2: finding out about the baby

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A month had passed, and Margo was starting to feel sick. She was lying in bed when her mother walked in. "Margo, I told you that you were meeting our family today can you please get up I'll put your dress in your wardrobe have a shower and I'll see you soon." Margo had decided to tell her mum she wasn't feeling good "Mum wait I feel really sick, I feel as though I am going to vomit." Margo's mother walked from the door to Margo's bed. "I'll tell a doctor to come check on you. For now, would you like any food or water?" Margo thought 'well that would be nice, but I already feel like I'm going to be sick' so she replied with no thanks. When the doctor came in, she asked Margo a couple questions. "How long have you been feeling sick?" The doctor asked Margo. Margo had been feeling sick for the past week but today was really bad. "Umm, the past week or so but today has been the worst." Margo's stomach was growling at this point, so her mother went to the kitchen and asked the chefs to prepare something for Margo. "Alright next question, have you already got your period and if so when are you due or when did you last have it?" The doctor asked Margo, flashbacks came flushing in Margo though to herself 'oh no what if I'm pregnant!!!' "Umm, my period was due about three weeks ago." Margo replied to the doctor. "Have you ever had sex and if yes when was the last time you had it?" The doctor asked, Margo's mother was not back yet so Margo blurted out "yes, I did it a month ago." Margo had no smile when saying this. "I'd like to take an ultrasound if that's ok, I think you may be pregnant." Margo's face dropped wide open and thought to herself 'oh no, how will I tell mum that Zayn is the father and how will I tell Zayn he's going to be a dad?' So, when the doctor saw Margo daydreaming and shook her Margo said "Yeah, I suppose that would be ok, do you want me to come now to do it or later? Hi mum, thanks the food I'm very hungry. Oh, and umm, well I may be pregnant." Margo says as her mother walks in with a plate full of bacon and eggs, tea, apple and black current juice and a jug of water. "Hold on you may be pregnant? Wait who's the father?" Margo's mother fired away with questions. Margo sighed a sigh of relief when she didn't get yelled at.

When they got to the ultrasound, they proved that she was pregnant. 'Great I am now in year 12 with a baby in me. The positive thing is we're halfway through the year so I have given birth until After I graduate.' Margo thought to herself. "Thanks for the food mum I'm going to take a shower and go get dressed to meet our family they should be here in an hour. Love you." Margo walked to her room in the castle while thinking of ways that she can tell Zayn he's a dad what if she didn't? There's a thought. But as for now she gets to go baby shopping. Her friends Mia and Lilly agreed that they were going to help her with the nursery and keep it a secret at school. "Hey Zayn, so I know we agreed to go our separate ways but, I'm pregnant." Margo spoke to Zayn over the phone. "What? Are you sure?" He questioned back, "Yeah I wasn't feeling to well, so mum got a doctor to come in and see what was up and it turns out you're going to be a father!" Margo wished she could see his face when she said that. "Wow, oh no, how will I tell my parents?" Zayn spoke. Margo hadn't really thought about the fact that Zayn was a vampire. "Umm, I haven't thought about that part." Margo spoke to Zayn over the phone.

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