Chapter 4: the gender

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As Margo and Zayn went for the ultrasound Margo drank some water from her water bottle. "Hey, Margo and Zayn, how are you guys today? Excited because you're finding out the gender?" The nurse said
"Yes, we are very excited!" Zayn said They start the ultrasound with the cold paste they put on Margo's stomach and soon there was a shout from the nurse "You're having a baby... girl, what names have you thought about?" Margo's face was smiling so hard because her daughter was going to be queen of all the lands. They walked to Margo's room and Zayn started speaking "we are done." Zayn spoke Margo was in shock "what?"
"You heard me we are over." Zayn said
"Why? Because it's a girl?" Margo questioned
"Yes, our deal was if it was a girl, she would be queen of the lands. It's best if she doesn't know I'm her father." Margo was so confused
"Zayn our deal was not I keep it if it was a girl, it was, she would be ruler of the lands and you would help raise her. If you are serious get out." Zayn walked out of the room and out the front door and Margo burst into tears. "Calm down Margo, mum always thought he was a threat to this family. You were warned" Margo spoke allowed to herself. The next couple of months were lonely but Mia and Lilly came around a lot, but it wasn't the same. Margo came up with a plan if Zayn tried to reconnect with her, Zayn could text Amber but if he ever wanted to see her, she would have 2 bodyguards go with her and not ever leave her sight Margo was worried Zayn would try convincing Amber to live with him. Soon Margo had given birth to the prettiest girl ever she had blonde hair and blue eyes. She was born the prettiest pink, blue, and purple wings.

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