Chapter 13: arriving at Mum's castle

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When I arrive, I tell dad to come with me inside. "but, your mum hates me," Dad speaks "And she will hate me more for kidnaping you."
"Please daddy, I want to be able to come to your house. Come inside and tell her that you regret leaving her." I try to convince dad
"Ok." Dad tells me. I walk in with dad right next to me, I hold his hand.
"where, is my mum?" I ask one of the guards near the front door
"Welcome back Amber she is in the dining room." The guard responded to my question. "Ok, thank you. Come on daddy lets go." As we walk to the dining room I then started to worry 'what if mum doesn't accept daddy's apology.'
"Mum!!!!!" I shout with excitement whilst running into her arms
"Amber!! I missed you so much are you ok?" she looks at me so happy.
"I'm fine, well, really good actually. I brought someone with me."
"What, like one of your friends?" she asks me
"No, you know this person really well..." I run off to get dad who is standing near the doors, bringing him to the dining table and making him have a seat. "I want you two to sort out whatever you need to, so I can visit dad and Jaslyn." I take a seat as well
"Margo, I'm so sorry when we found out that amber was a girl, I freaked out and I left, But if I could go back I would tell myself that everything would work out, and I regretted not coming back, I knew you would hate me." He takes a long deep breath.
"I overreacted that day that we found out amber was a girl. I'm sorry." Mum spoke.
"Yay, does this mean I am aloud to see dad often?" I ask
"Ok, but let me ask what happened to you amber over the past couple weeks?"
"Well, you might want to get comfy it's a long story. So, on my Birthday when you said that I get to go shopping that's when I texted daddy." I take a quick breath and daddy cuts in. "All I wanted to do was meet my little girl."
"Daddy kidnaped me, for the good, and ..." I told the story leaving the healing part out, I talked about Izzy lying to Harrey the Horrible.
"Wow, you must be exhorted. Thank you Zayn for kidnapping her because this has reconnected you and me and it has connected you and Amber, Amber when do you want to see your dad?" mum asked me
Can I see him every second week? For the whole week?"
"Ok." They both responded.

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