Chapter 12: the Uncles Castle

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When I stepped inside the first thing, I heard was a phone go off. It was mine; dad was calling, I knew just from the ring tone. "Don't answer it. The little brat could shout where we are." He says looking at me. I just roll my eyes. The design was the same as dad's castle. 'I wonder, is there secret passageways like at dads.' I think to myself. I get led to a small room where a little bed is. But it had windows on every wall and was in the centre of the castle there were guards with guns surrounding the room. "Well, this is your room. Put your stuff down and we will be off to another fairy to heal you." Harrey commanded me. I only did so because I was so tired and weak that I wanted to get better. Then this boy came running around the corner. "Daddy, Alice keeps taking my cars and painting them pink." The boy spoke. He looked younger than my age. He had golden hair and big brown eyes. He was wearing a green polo shirt and white pants. "Not now Aaron, I'm busy, go tell your mum or I'll deal with it later." Harrey replied to Aaron.

When we get to the fairy, she looks at my wings and starts healing them it takes two long hours then I feel great. "Thanks, are you ok?" I ask her because of my experience I was worried for her. "I'm fine, but I must warn you." She starts saying but then Harrey and a mysterious woman comes over to me. "Thank you, Nia that will be, all for now." Harrey dismisses Nia "This is Amber, Amber this is, Jess, my wife." Harrey says while looking at me.
"How can you be such a horrible person's wife." I say to Jess. She looks at Harrey and then back to me. "She was MUCH nicer and politer for Zayn. Well, the clothes should fit. Listen little girl my husband is a great person. Come with me it's time to meet your grandparents so we need to get you ready". I walk with her to a dressing room and put a red knee-high dress with a black belt. Then I walk out, and Jess starts brushing my hair then curls it. Puts it in a ponytail and a little black hair tie on it "Please may I have this one in its my lucky one." I ask her but she refuses my offer saying that I must have this one. Then we head down to the front doors where the boy, Aaron, and a girl is all dressed up. "I'm going to get a bigger present than you Alice. I'm grandad and grandma's favourite." Aaron says
"Well, I'm older so I'll get the bigger present." Alice says. Alice has the same big brown eyes as her family. She has long brown hair and was wearing a black dress.
"Alice, Aaron that is enough please stop this arguing." Jess said.
"Mummy can I call my boyfriend?" Alice says. I look at her and Aaron randomly starts beating her up. "You. Shouldn't. have. a boyfriend." Aaron says in between punches.
"ha-ha, go Aaro-." I speak. Jess sends one look, so I stop, and we wait for the car.
As the car pulls up, they get out and Alice and Aaron Both shout. "GRANDMA, GRANDAD!!! HOW ARE YOU???" Harrey and Jess have their hands over their ears. Alice runs down to see them, and Aaron follows. After being made to help carry their bags in I sat down starving. I hadn't eaten for a while now. Harrey comes up to me and he say's "dinner time, behave better than you have." I look at him with a look of disgrace. "And if I don't?" I speak.
"Well, I guess you will have the scraps and be stuck in your room with nothing to do and you won't go back to your dad." As he says this, I see a reflexion from his pocket 'my phone!! If I steal it then I could know all the times the guards change and tell mum and dad. But if they found out I'd be doomed.' I think to myself before picking it out of his pocket and sliding it into the pocket in my dress then we walk to the dining room. 'So far so good.' At dinner grandad asked me a lot of questions and I just wanted to go back to mum and dad... my room at least. "Amber how nice it is for you to come visit your uncle. Do you see him often? He said you asked your mum and dad to come see him." grandad asked me. Harrey had a look of say no then yes that's right. "Well, No I don't see him often. And I did ask to see him because I missed him so much, and auntie Jess and Alice and Aaron." I said in a convincing voice. But none of this was true, little did they know that I only just found out who my dad was and literally just found out that I had an uncle and auntie and cousins. "Verry nice, well if you'll excuse me, I'm off to bed." Grandad says and leaves the room. Jess gets up and says, "its these two's bedtime too." Everyone slowly leaves until it's just me and Harrey. "Great job Amber, verry convincing keep it up. Off to bed you, I'll see you in the morning. As a privilege you may close the curtains." I slowly walk to the room they gave me and shut the curtains the guards lock the door and I jump onto my phone I send dad a message. 'Daddy, I'm ok... well I mean I want to be there with you. I saw another fairy today she healed me. And grandma and grandad are here, I had to lie to them. And Harry isn't too bad. They don't know I have my phone. But I thought I could send you the guard change over time. Harrey said that he wasn't going to give me back unless you step down from being king and let him be king. Don't do that because we can escape. Love amb.' I send it. Not long after Harrey comes in. "guards check her room for her phone. Amber did you steal your phone off me? Don't lie." Just before he came in, I put my phone in my pillowcase. "No, I didn't." One of the guards grabbed my wrist, pulling me out of my bed and handed me to Harrey. After 5 minutes of searching just as they were about to stop one of the guards shook my pillowcase and my phone came flying out. This was when I knew I was doomed. "Well, well, well what was that 'no I didn't' must be all lies. Little brat. bring her phone here please." The guard with my phone brings it over and grabs hold of my wrist again. "Amber, unlock the phone." Harrey speaks to me. "No," I try to run out of the room but the guard has too strong of a grip on my hand. "Fine." I start to unlock my then I pull my hand up bite the guard's hand as hard as I could and ran. I ran as fast as I could out of the castle past all the guards who were trying to stop me and down the street as fast as I could. I ran I could hear them following me I found a park and hid by a tree then watched the guards run past me. I sat there for most of the night it was cold and all I had was my dress and a thin cardigan on. I see a light of house on, and I walk to it knock on the door and a young mum comes out. "Hi, I am lost, and I was wondering if I could call my dad." She looks at me with sympathy and replies "Sure, what is his number?" she asks
"His number is 0108 906 621.Thank you so much." She looks at me and starts speaking "I'm sorry but we are not allowed to call that number. What is your name?"
"Amber." She looks at me in disbelief.
"The legend is true, you're his child. I suppose we can break the rule just this once. By the way my name is Izzy and you're a long way off from where you should be if you're wanting to be at your dad's castle. But come in you must be freezing." So, I slowly come into the house to see two kids and a baby. "This is Hannah she is ten, Keira, is 5 and little Amelia is six months old. Say hi girls. OH, and my husband Mathew is around somewhere." After introducing me and calling dad to tell him to come pick me up, Izzy brings out a plate of cookies and four glasses of milk. "So Amber, how did you get out here?" I thought about making up a story, but I told the truth about being kidnaped by Harrey. "Well as I was going back to mums from dads, for the first time, we were driving with his most trusted driver and..." I went on telling the story while eating some cookies. "... so, I bit the guard's hand and ran as fast as I could then waited most of the night saw your light on and came over to see if I could call my dad. That's my story." Later that day we watched a movie. After the movie I asked "Hey, Izzy can you tell me about the legend? I really want to know."
"Sure, I'd thought you would know by now. So, the legend came out five years ago the legend is that king Zayn had a baby and that the partner stole the baby and never let him see the baby. That basically sums it all up." I was amazed that I had a legend "well that's half true, mum didn't let me see him but that was because she thought that he was bad. But he isn't." I tell her. We hear the doorbell ring
"Stay here ill make sure it is your dad not uncle." Izzy shows me a spot to hide then walks to the door. "Hello, miss, I suppose you haven't seen this little girl, we are verry worried about her." Harrey spoke
"I'm sorry prince Harrey, I have not but I shall call you if I do." Izzy speaks
"Thank you, madam. Boys next house. Then we will go further." Harrey speaks. Izzy closes the door. "Thank you, Izzy, I am verry grateful for you." I tell Izzy. About ten minutes later the doorbell rings again this time it was dad. I ran up to him and hugged him. "Daddy, I missed you so much!!! This is Izzy, Mathew, Hannah, Keira and Amelia they looked after me and told Harrey that I wasn't here." I say whilst hug attacking him. He looks at them "Thank you so much, for looking after my little girl. We should really get going now." Dad says with the biggest smile I have ever seen on his face. We hop into the limo and sit right next to him and tiredly rest my head on his lap. "Dad, I want you to come with me to see mum you two need to talk. I want to talk with you and mum about seeing you more." I yawn.
"Ok sweetheart get some sleep it seems as though been a long couple of days." Dad spoke. I slowly closed my eyes and drifted to sleep. Soon dad shakes me and I slowly wake up. "Amber, you should see this were going to your world... out of the underworld the portal is really cool." I open my eyes and see a wheeping willow tree's branches that we are about to drive through. But it wasn't what I expected it wasn't just tree leaves dragging on the window. The entire car glowed and the leaves started to sparkle. It was so magical. My jaw hung open in shock of what I was seeing. "Not long now princess. About ten minutes, then we should be there."
"Ok, hey daddy I love you and I'm sorry I was angry at you before." I tell him
"No, No I should have told you that I was your dad and I shouldn't have used your magic like that, you know that you can move objects with your mind, why don't you try bringing a glass over here." I was so amazed when I could move things just by thinking about it.

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