Chapter 6: the kidnapping

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So, I went off but because I am so short Jake lost me in the crowd of people. I felt someone grab my arm and pull me out but suddenly, I felt so tired, so I assumed it was Jake until I heard voices "good job Liam put her in the car and then we will go but at this point it was too late for me to do anything as I fall asleep. Next thing I knew I was in the back of a limo it was very different, and it had cups with blood in it. Suddenly, I started feeling scared I got so scared I blacked out. I woke to voices they were not familiar voices. I thought maybe mum took me to the hospital and they were trying to figure out what made me fall asleep while shopping I didn't know either we had sat down had lunch then started shopping the doctor said "she should be awake in fifteen minutes or less. Hey maybe you shouldn't have used so strong sleeping pills." a male unfamiliar voice spoke back saying that he couldn't wait and to call him when she awoke. I heard footsteps leaving the room I heard my text tone go off and the doctor who seemed nice until this point read it out loud "hey Amber where are you, are you ok it's been two days since your shopping trip when untie Lilly returned without you and they said that you got lost and they couldn't find you they sent Ella home and looked for you but you weren't anywhere to be seen. Hope you return soon as no one has had any sleep. We reported you missing to the police, and they are all looking for you. Come back soon, love mum." The doctor said "'well she ant going back to you any time soon, I better send a message to her mum to tell them she is safe 'hi amber's mum, your daughter is safe for now... behave and she will stay safe." I opened my eyes now the doctor dude put my phone behind him and said, "it's ok little girl." I knew it wasn't though he pushed a button and said Zayn she is awake though a speaker.  I know I was only six, but I was educated very well being a princess and all. Soon I hear footsteps again, but they soon died off I went to sit up, but my arms and legs were strapped down. My favourite summer dress was cut at the back and my wings were out. After a minute of struggling to get out of the straps the doctor who had been in the other room came back in "you're not getting out of those darling just wait for his Royal highness to come in. Then he will decide what to do with you." I start thinking of what to say one thing pops into my head "my mum will come rescue me. She is the queen. And everyone is looking for me the police have sent out that I'm missing now if you'd give me my phone that would be great." The doctors face made it clear that I was not an ordinary six-year-old girl I had my education. "How did you know about the police looking for you?" He asked me
"Well, I may only be six but all my life I have had training about all sorts of things, and you shouldn't read messages aloud because people can hear it. But let me ask you one question what did you mean by that if my mum behaves then I'll be safe in your message?" He looked at me and said,
"You don't get it little girl your mum and his majesty know each other and not in a good way you have become in the middle of it." Footsteps return and the doctor and I go quiet. The door opens and this tall dude in a black suit comes in "look at you, you've grown since the last time I threatened to take you from your mother. Fernald that's no way to treat our guests." I start trying to slip through the belts on my hands. And the strange man signals something to the doctor. He comes over to me and puts on a mask that coved my nose and mouth then this gas comes into the mask, and I tried to hold my breath whilst the doctor told me to count back from ten with deep breaths. Then I fall asleep. I awake not in the weird hospital but in a bed and it is night-time I look towards the window to find it with massive bars all over them I get off the extremely comfy bed and go towards them I hop on the daybed and lookout the window up at the stars then the weird man enters the room but after one quick glance I look back out the window. He sighs and says "you need your rest for tomorrow. This is your bedroom and I assume you have had all the fairy training."
"I have not." I spoke in a rather rude voice and lied to the man "Two things kid, one you're a bad liar and two don't ever speak to me in that voice ever again you are let off with a warning this time." He left the room, and I went back to sleep in the extremely comfortable bed.

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