Chapter 10: the hospital room

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Once again, I awoke in the hospital room with tubes and cords all around me and once again Zayn was there every time, I awake from fainting, and he has the same worried look on his face. Once I had woken up and realised that I had tubes and stuff. "I'm awake so can I go back to my room now?" I tried sitting up, but I couldn't I assumed it was like when I first time I was here. "You can untie me now." I say they all look at me. "Amber sweetheart you're not strapped down." Jaslyn said. I looked at them and tried sitting up I couldn't. "No, you've tide me up again I can't move." Jaslyn moved towards me she picked up my hand and said, "Amber your hand isn't strapped down." Zayn signalled that sign again and the doctor put the mask on my face. "Amber we need to figure out what is wrong with you your unable to move." Zayn spoke to reassure me. Then I was out but this time it was different I could hear all of what they were saying. "Why can't she move? Will she be, ok?" Jaslyn said. I tried signalling to let them know I could hear them. I tried waving but my arms were dead. "Dad." I whispered as loud as I could. "Wait, did you hear something everyone quiet." Zayn spoke
I knew this was my chance "dad," I said again "I can hear you all." I spoke a little quieter.
"All right, it will be all right Amber." Then a sharp pain went in my arm, and everything went quiet. When I awoke no one was in the room I could hear a faint sobbing noise. I tried to see who it was, but my arms and legs were strapped down this time. I wondered why but then the door was opened. I closed my eyes and dad came and sat by my side. He held my hand sobbing. "Ohh Amber, you're never going to forgive me I stuffed up, big time. If only you never told me, you were going shopping and then you would have been safe." I hear him stand up and go out the door. I opened my eyes again and the doctor came in with Jaslyn, "Amber are you feeling any better?" Jaslyn ask
"Yeah, a little better, I guess. Why am I strapped down this time?" I responded
"Well, you may feel well enough to walk but you have only enough energy to stand and take a few steps. So that if no one was here then you wouldn't leave and fall." The doctor said.
"Can I please see dad?" I speak
"Yes, I shall go get him." Jaslyn says to me
I waited a couple of minutes and soon Jaslyn and dad came back in. Dad's face had a smile on it one that made me feel safe soon dad soon said, "alright everyone out I need to speak to Amber alone that includes you Jaslyn." I started to panic my wings hurt really bad. "Amber, I'm really sorry." Dad starts crying "Your wings, they are the source of your magic and you fell on them which damaged them" he took a long deep breath. "We don't know how to fix them. So, this is goodbye tomorrow because I've called your mum you've been asleep for a week. I'm sorry I haven't been the dad that you wanted or needed but if you wanted and were able to, I'd like to be the dad that you wanted and needed. I love you amb." I gather all my strength and say, "I love you dad, and I'm sorry that I was angry at you before." We had a long hug, and he went out the door. I thought about it 'this will be my last time in this hospital room. But I won't let this be my last time with dad.' I fall asleep until morning where I gather some things like the doll I made and the drawings. I put on the dress that they fixed. I go towards the bottom of the stairs to the door, and I hug dad and Jaslyn and say "I won't let this be the last time I see you. Love you dad."
"I love you too sweetheart, we both will miss you and your driver's name is Liam he is my most trusted driver." I gathered my stuff and hopped in the limo.

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