With You

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I still can't believe jack had his party on a sunday, well it's monday today and that meant school. Jack and I got to school earlier than usual today, I was walking down the hall to get to my locker until I bumped into someone. "uhgggg" i muttered while bending down grabbing my books "oh hey im so sorry" she said bending down helping me "no it's fine" i said still gathering my things "oh here" she smiled while handing me my papers and a pen "thanks" I smiled "Lauren" she said smiling at me. I just shifted my eyebrows "oh my names Lauren" she laughed "uh yeah im y/n" i said smiling "oh your jacks sister right" she said "yup" i said smiling.
- third period -
I was in geometry. We had a pop quiz which i was obviously not ready for i knew no one in this class which sucked. I couldn't concentrate for some odd reason so I asked if I could use the restroom, i gathered up all my stuff and walked. I was walking back from the restroom until I stopped because i saw shawn closing his locker walking towards the doors to leave school. I ran up to him grabbing his arm interlocking my fingers with his "hey where you going" I asked resting my head on his arm "ditching" shawn replied with a smirk "woah what" i said in shock "shawn it's barley third period" i said now in front of him placing my tiny hands in his chest. He shifted his backpack just staring at me now "im going with you" i replied "y/n" he said looking down at me since he was taller. "no if your leaving then im leaving" i said walking towards the exit doors "y/n what about jack, what if he finds out or your teachers because you're not in class" he said running towards me "you can't ditch" he then added "who said anything about telling Jack and it's fine" i smirked, shawn just looked at me "woah good girl gone bad, hot" he said pulling me close to him. I looked down grabbing both his hands lacing his fingers with mine then looking back up at him "wherever you go i wanna go" i said softly kissing his nose "you drive me crazy you know" shawn whispered resting his forehead on mine, I giggled.

-his car-

"so what are you going to do" i asked "we" he replied, placing his large hand on top of my thigh. i couldn't help but blush, he just laughed.
"want head to my place" he asked looking at me "yeah cool" i said tracing his hand that was still on my thigh. Even though Shawn and I aren't official or anything it felt real. It felt like we've been dating forever, we were comfortable with each other. We pulled up to Shawn's drive way. He opened the door throwing his backpack on the couch. I walked towards a vanity that had family photos. "let's go" shawn whispered wrapping his arms around my waist. We walked up the stairs walking into his room, I went straight to his desk and placed my bag down, then sat on his bed.
Shawn came up crouching down next to me "there isn't much to do b.." he started "can we watch a movie" i said energetic "anything" he laughed "do you anything in mind" he asked "comedy" i grinned tilting my head hoping he would say yes "you're so cute y/n, i'll be right back" shawn said kissing the top of my forehead. Shawn came back with a couple of movies and popcorn placing them on his desk. He picked me up shifting me comfortably on his bed handing me the bowl of popcorn. He went up to his DVD player (idc if you think they're old lol) putting in a movie. He jumped on the empty spot next to me smiling throwing a piece of popcorn into his mouth. We were 30 minutes into the movie with our my legs between his, he turns around around kissing my neck trying to get my attention away from the movie but i ignored him trying to continue watching the movie. Shawn stopped but I felt him starring at me. After a few minutes give in he started tickling me and i start to burst out in laughter ......

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