The Heartless Android

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I watched as James was completely out matched and out numbered. At first I didn't think that she was going to be powerful either, but she proved everyone wrong. The way she commanded the sea, sky and sea life was incredible. James may be slick, but he really was out of his element. I wonder why he can't use his power more than once a day? Did he have any other abilities that he just hasn't  tapped into yet or is he a strong fighter for hand to hand combat? As the thoughts ran through my head I tried my hardest to release my massive wedgie from in between my globe sized cheeks, but the wedgie kept coming back like a boomerang.

The team of assistants carried James off the training grounds and onto the side of the room behind us. They placed him on a medical bed to recover before returning to the side of the Doc.

Dr. Crane: Now that the area has been drained and all of the sea creatures have disappeared, we can wrap this whole thing up.

Man in the back: FINALLY!

Dr. Crane: Anyway mister Cheeks... I mean Miguel, it's your time to fail... I mean try.

I took a deep breath and walked onto the testing field to await my challenge. The floor opened up and sand began to fill in the space. The room got increasingly hotter. I was began to sweat all over, which caused my already uncomfortable suit to get worse. My briefs were already up my ass, but now I could feel them sliding between my smooth cheeks. Every step was a constant reminder that my hole was getting squeaky cleaned unintentionally. The room's temperature kept increasing and the sand wouldn't stop. The walls of the room were no more and all I could see was sand and dunes as far as the eye could see. The hot blazing sun kept an eye on me as I wandered the hot desert in search of my opponent.

I climbed to the top of a desert dune and as I headed down, I lost my footing and tumbled down the hill. I rolled down the hill and landed on my bare belly. I could feel the sand all over me and especially inside of my briefs. The rough tiny rocks felt like sandpaper on my freshly shaved cock and in between my cheeks. I took cover behind a cactus, so that the doctor and the guys wouldn't see me as I took my shorts off. It was a relief to peel the tight fabric out of my huge ass and down my legs. I kicked it off and brushed off my balls first, then I bent over and opened my cheeks to let all the leftover sand fall out.

Matt: He knows we can still see him right?

Danny: That dork is so dumb! He actually thought that hiding behind a fake cactus would hide his oversized cheeks and little meat?

Everyone: *laughs*

James: My ass is still better... right guys?

..... silence

Dr. Crane: Pay attention losers! And I don't mean to his world sized cheeks.

I was lucky that no one could see more than just a little of my hip and above or else they'd get an eye full of my winking hole. The sand felt like it was all gone, but all the rubbing turned me on. I looked around to make sure no one was looking and I wet my finger and slid it inside. It felt super good, but I didn't linger long since I could get caught at any moment. I shook the remaining sand out of my briefs and shimmied my ass back into them. The tiny briefs found their way back up between my cheeks and kissing my smooth hole. The suit was hot, but still too embarrassing to wear anywhere. If I walked down the street everyone would see my giant cheeks swaying in the wind, just like when...

~Early Summer~

It was the Fourth of July and as always I lost a bet to my friends. We were playing Mario kart and Jose gave me a bet. If I won first place he would buy me ice cream and movie tickets for a whole month. However if he won I'd have to run through the night parade completely naked holding sparklers in the air. I was confident I was going to win, so I took the bet. I was a head and on track to win, but luck just wasn't on my side. After the final two rounds he somehow managed to place 1st and I came in 10th. He won and I lost, which meant A LOT of embarrassment for me. Night fell too fast and we all went downtown for the parade. The parade had just begun and the streets were crowded with many glaring eyes. We hid behind a building and they watched as I got undressed. I was down to my briefs and pleaded with them to let me keep them on, but they weren't having it. All five of them grabbed my briefs and gave me an all around ripping wedgie. I stood naked in a puddle of my once expensive Calvin Kline briefs as they laughed.

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