Supersuit Day

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After the guy's embarrassing display of nudity at the office. They were rushed out towards the garage, in various different stages of dress. The guards pushed the guys into a waiting van and took off. The van sped around corner after corner, throwing the half naked guys all around. Once they arrived at their destination they were pushed out onto the street and left in front of a modest looking building. They weren't alone on the street, pedestrians walked past the half naked men and giggled at their state of dress. The guys quickly stood up and came face to face with two slender men in tuxedos. One was at least 6 feet tall with long blond hair and a swimmers body. He wore an all white suit that fit his impressive body very well. The other guy was built like a bodybuilder and had bright amber hair that was tied back into a bun. He wore an all black suit that also fit him very snuggly too. They introduced themselves as the Dean Brothers. From what the files say in the database, the two brothers were seasoned professionals at designing superheroes costumes.

Sal: Hello, hello, HELLO! Welcome to our shop. Please come inside and we can dress you properly.

Robert:  One by one let's have some fun getting into your pants. Once we're done you won't look like a cum stain... well like the one on his pants.

The guys were confused as to what they were doing at the shop and slightly offended by the comment made from Robert. The siblings were pretty weird, but the guys didn't want to spend any more time outside on the sidewalk. They were attracting too much unwanted attention because of the way they were dressed. The brothers grabbed the young men and pushed them into the store. The brothers locked the store's door and shut every window. Once the place was secure, Robert pushed a button behind a picture frame and the back wall split open. A secret room was revealed behind the door. The room was full of high tech equipment and gadgets. The guys were in awe as they stepped into the lab of the Dean brothers.

Robert: Yes you may look, but please don't touch anything.

Sal: It's alright brother let them roam and explore while we set up the special area.

Robert: Ugh, fine! But you guys better not break anything or I'll make you fight crime naked!

Sal: He's not lying, that's why Captain Universe fought his first year naked. He broke Robert's favorite sword.

Robert: The banana brained fool melted it! Like how do you even do that? HE DOESN'T EVEN HAVE HEAT VISION!!!!

Sal: Okay, Okay calm down. Let's get to work and forget about the little incident.

The guys took their time looking through the workshop and made sure not to break anything. It only took fifteen minutes before the brothers came looking for the five guys. Once everyone was back Sal pushed a button on a control panel and it revealed five tubes atop a stage. The brother instructed the boys to take a spot in each tube. Once each guy had settled into their individual tube, the  doors slammed shut.

Sal: What kind of costume do you guys want or should we just choose?

Robert: Never mind we will choose.

Like lightning, all of the guys' clothing were ripped from their body's and sucked down into the tube below them. They all stood completely naked before the two brothers. Each embarrassed and blushing a deep crimson. Sal pushed a series of buttons and each tube began the process. Sal and Robert stepped away for a couple minutes, leaving the machine to warm up and the hero's to get used to the small area. A countdown appeared on a screen in front of the hero's and once it hit zero each tank restrained the hero's. A hole in the floor opened up and a small tube emerged from the floor. The tube attached itself to each of the five guys' cocks. The guys tried to escape, but the restraints were too strong. There was a clicking sound and a second hole in the floor opened up behind them. From the hole emerged a 7 inch dildo, that extended up to the hero's asses. The hero's continued to struggle as to not be penetrated, but the machine activated and the dildo invaded their holes.

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