Taken & Tortured

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A couple months had passed since the fight for the dam. There wasn't too much damage done, but the clean up did take a while. The hero's did their part to help clean up the mess Marco had created. Once they were no longer needed, the five of them took a much needed vacation.

~It's Begun~

It was a warm summer day and Miguel and Matt were on their way to a cabin in the woods. The two hero's would spend a week away from the town and out of reach of Dr. Crane. On their trip they would hunt, live off the land and chill with nature. The drive out to the cabin was a good four hours. Once they arrived they noticed that the cabin was slightly smaller than they had initially thought. They parked the car and stepped out to smell the fresh air.

Miguel: Well isn't this... charming

Matt: I think the brochure lied to us.

Miguel: We can still make the most of it bro. Let's check out the inside.

When the guys walked inside they were greeted with a luxury cabin. There was a rustic kitchen, a living room that looked as if it was out of some romantic novel, a bathroom fit for a king with a multi jet tub and a bedroom with two queen sized beds in it. The place wasn't huge, but the two friends agreed that it was more than enough for them. The guys raced to the bedroom and dropped off their stuff. Matt jumped on the bed, while Miguel found his way to the kitchen. He looked inside the refrigerator and found it stacked full of food and drinks. He grabbed a can of soda and opened it for a sip. When he closed the refrigerator door, he was greeted by a naked Matt swinging his cock around.

Miguel: Bro what are you doing?

Matt: I'm hanging out with my cock out... duh

Miguel: Well you can keep that little monster away from me.

Matt: What, you don't want me to attack that huge dump truck ass.

Miguel: You stay away from my ass or I'll hang you by your undies using my arrows.

Matt: You'll have to get me in some underwear first. Now can I have a soda please?

Miguel opened the refrigerator and grabbed another soda and tossed it to Matt. The two hero's went around back and found a small hot tub. It was big enough for three people. Matt jumped in as Miguel stripped out of his clothes down to his blue briefs. The briefs didn't stand a chance against Miguel's world sized ass, they were swallowed up between his mega cheeks like a black hole.

Miguel eased into the hot tub and instantly felt a flash of relief. The two heroes were finally relaxing, but that didn't last long. While the hero's soaked mysterious figures arrived at the front of the cabin. The water began to cool and so enough began to freeze. Matt and Miguel took notice and quickly jumped out of the water. When they looked back, the hot tub was frozen solid. They didn't have long to wonder before the windows were blasted in and water came rushing through. Miguel and Matt hit the floor and watched in horror as the cabin was destroyed. Once the torrent of water stopped the duo stood up and readied themselves. Miguel materialized his kinetic bow and Matt slipped on a pair of briefs.

The two split up and rushed off to separate sides of the cabin. Miguel tipped toed to the front and was surprised to find a thick fog surrounding the house. The fog was so thick that his vision was completely blurred. He couldn't even see his hands in front of his face, just the faint purple glow of his kinetic bow. He tipped toed through the fog and found his way behind the car. Slowly the effect of the fog was taking a toll on the unsuspecting hero. While hiding the car was shot with another powerful blast of water, which pushed the car and pinned Miguel against a tree.With the fog draining his strength unknowing and being pinned by the car, Miguel lost his concentration and his bow dematerialized.

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