Look No Hands

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~Dr. Crane~

Dr. Crane: Welp,that's another disappointing fight. Let him go and clean up. Matter a fact all of you go clean yourselves up and get presentable. Your results and assignments will be given tomorrow. Now get out of my sight!

As the day wrapped up and the new recruits cleaned themselves up, I reviewed the footage of each match. They were all very skilled, but they didn't have any real life fighting skills whatsoever. They definitely had some interesting powers, some more useful than others, but definitely a unique bunch. I took my time going through each match and checking them and the data out... fully. I couldn't help but get turned on by all the small suits I had them wear. It was definitely a great sight to see their amazing bodies in such small pieces of fabric. My cock was hard as a rock and straining against my zipper. There was only one thing to do... I unzipped my pants and fished out my 8 inch slab of prime beef. It felt so good to finally be able to take care of my needs after watching those terrible tests.

Matt is a very skilled fighter, but doesnt think about strategy! His power to stimulate the body and force an orgasm as many times as he wants was truly different.

*Strokes faster*

Aster is strong and very skilled, but his mind is very weak and bendable. He was just too easily taken over by Tron. Danny on the other hand is strong, very skilled and pretty hot, but too much of a hot head. He needs to learn he can't just force his way out of every situation.

*Faster Strokes*

James could be one of the world's best spies, but he needs to work harder and develop his ability. Then there's Miguel, the poor boy is so clumsy, but extremely attractive. He just needs some help with the basics and maybe he might be useful.


I sat back in my chair after contemplating what I should do with the rag tag team of misfits. My cock dripped cum onto the ground below me. I had finally calmed down from one of the most explosive orgasms Ibe ever had. The guys may be a bunch of hotties, but they were definitely not hero level... yet, but maybe they could be molded. I contacted the central office and gave them my findings. They asked me if I had any recommendations on their new trainer and I couldn't think of a better instructor than our number 5 Hero...

~The other room~


The guys were all exhausted and relaxing on the couches. Matt laid across the floor completely naked and passed out. The group spirit was at an all time low. Not one of us could beat the pro hero's, we didn't even leave a scratch on them. I made my way to the room in the back, where the showers were and stripped off the skin tight shorts and harness. It felt good to get the tight smooth fabric off. I tossed it aside and stepped into the open shower. The water was already on at the perfect temperature. The running water cascaded down my back and over my ass. I slipped into a daze and enjoyed the warm water. As the steam filled the room I could hear voices enter around me. The guys had finally gotten up and decided to shower. Everyone seemed to actually get along. I guess getting beaten was actually helpful to strengthen our bond. The tension just melted away and it felt really good.

As we all showered I noticed in the corner of the shower, James was showing off for Matt. He did one pose after the other, he was rock hard the entire time. It was fun to see the guys forgetting their worries. After we finished up, we got our things and went home for the night.

~Saturday Morning~

The guys all filed into the training room, dressed in their casual clothing. Everyone looked to be a mix of eagerness and anxiousness. The guys were seated in the conference room and only waited a couple minutes before Dr. Crane walked in holding a folder with paperwork tucked inside. As he sat down at the head of the table, five images popped up on the screen behind him. They were head shots of the five guys. Each photo contained information under the portrait about their abilities and general information.

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