Family of Villians

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~The Fate Of The Doctor~

10 years ago a fierce battle raged on between the evil villain Dr. Time and the world's top hero Horas. The battle destroyed most of the surrounding towns and half of the city. The brutal battle lasted for three long days. Neither side wanted to give up, so they fought as hard as they could to hold their ground. The hero's were matched in strength, speed and power, while also sharing similar powers. Dr. Time possessed the ability to slow down time and walk through a dimension called time space. He was known throughout the world as the greatest threat to all mankind. No one was a match for him, until the hero Horas rose to power. He possessed the ability to manipulate time by freezing it or reversing the flow of time itself.

The day of their final battle, Dr. Time had severely injured Horas. With critical injuries, the battle had finally reached its final hour. With no other choice, Horas did something he vowed he'd never do... he froze Dr. Times' heart! This caused Dr. Time to fall into a deep slumber, never to be woken again. That was the day that would go down in history as the scariest day for all survivors. Horas locked up Dr. Times' body in a secret facility where no one would be able to find him. A couple of years later the facility was broken into by a trio of men. They were able to sneak in and out, taking Dr. Time's body with them. A search party was sent out to track the thieves, but the only clue they were able to find was some ice and small pools of water.

~ The Brothers~

On the outskirts of town in the middle of the woods, three brothers lived in a secret bunker built by their father. The base was built into the side of a mountain, but camouflage from the eyes of anyone above. The base was built to endure anything, not even a strike from Zeus himself could destroy the compound. The leaders of the compound were Sammy, Ronan and Deven. They were the sons of the late Dr. Time. Unlike their father the brothers didn't have his abilities, they inherited their mother's powers to control water.

Sammy was 25 years old and the oldest of the trio. He was the chemist of the group. He was known throughout the villain world as the master of elixirs. He specialized in elixirs of confusion and arousal. Besides his brilliant mind, his power allowed him the control to freeze anything he touched and the ability to drop the air around him to subzero temperatures. Everyone who met Sammy just saw a nice, handsome Hispanic guy. However behind the lab coat was the villain best known as Ice Fang the creator of statutes.

Ronan was the second oldest, at 23 years old. He was a basic mechanic, but secretly a genius inventor. He is one of the reasons the base was so high-tech and the defense was so strong. His power was the ability to shoot high pressure blasts of water from his mouth. The torrent of water can be as gentle as a stream or as powerful as a torpedo. Most of his time was spent running the machinery shop. Unlike his brother Sammy, Ronan was bulky and very strong. The villain world knew him best as Hydro.

The youngest brother was Deven who was 21 years old. He was a senior in college before they kicked him out for leaving two students unconscious. His power was the ability to release a thick form of steam from his body. The steam has the ability to dehydrate his foes, cause them dizziness & obstruct their vision. The steam can be very thin and almost transparent or so thick that it resembles the clouds in the sky. Throughout the villain world, he was known as the master of disaster, Vapor.

The brother's vowed to avenge their father and to take down all the heroes. Thus they formed the underground market, hoping to build up their finances and their power.

~ The attack~

The three brothers located two of the hero's that just saved the city. They geared up and made their way to the cabin in the woods. On arrival each of them took a different side of the building. Sammy took the front, Ronan took the side and Deven took the back.
Peering through the back window, Deven spied into the bedroom. He watched as Matt stripped naked and walked about the room. Matt hopped on the bed and began to stroke his cock. His horniness knew no limits and he felt the need to jack off anywhere and anytime. While watching Matt get off, Deven found himself getting more and more aroused. His 9 inch cock swelled in his pants and snaked down his leg. He unconsciously reached in his pocket and stroked his cock. Before things got too messy, Ronan signaled the start of their plan.

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