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Rose's pov

"Get your ass back here!!! You belong to me!!" My father yelled. I gasped for breath as I ran through the woods. I heard the footsteps of my dad running after me. Well more like stumbles. He's drunk. I ran faster until I didn't hear his voice anymore. I kept running.

* * *

I stopped to catch my breath. I don't know how long I've been running nor how far. I saw lights ahead of me so I ran toward them. Bad idea. My lungs couldn't take much more so by the time I got close enough, I collapsed. I heard voices and then I saw figures but I couldn't tell what they were. I closed my eyes but I stayed awake.

"Kid! What are you doing out here alone?" A voice said.

"She looked to be running from something. Ratchet, we need a medic!" Another voice said. I heard footsteps come over then I felt someone pick me up. I opened my eyes slightly to see a face. My eyes were still blurred so I still couldn't make out any details of the face. Just that this guy was a guy and he had electric blue eyes. He had black hair and I could tell he was in the military.

"H-help..please.." I rasped. The guy looked down at me but didn't say anything.

"Kid just relax. Were getting help." The second voice said. I slowly looked over at the other guy, eyes still blurry and slowly nodded.

"What's your name?" The first voice asked.

"R-rose." I said quietly. My side still hurt from when he hit me and from the run.

"Ok, Rose, Ratchet here is gonna help you get better. We just need you to relax." The second voice said. I nodded and closed my eyes. I felt myself being placed on a bed then everything went black.

* * *

I quickly sat up. I was breathing heavily and sweating. It was all a dream. At least, that's what I thought. When I looked around, I realized, I wasn't in my room. And there were people in here. Four people to be exact. One had brown eyes and black hair. His dog tag said Captain Lennox. The guy beside him was a black guy. He wasn't showing his dog tag but I could see the chain to one. The other two were different from the two military guys. One had a lab coat and glasses on and the other had blue hair and a blue jacket with flames on it. The strange thing was, they both had the same eye color as the other guy. Electric blue eyes.

"Who are you?" I asked. The guy with blue hair spoke. He had a deep voice. Almost soothing.

"I am Optimus Prime. This is Captain William Lennox and Sergeant Epps. And this is my medical officer, Ratchet. May I ask what you were doing out in the woods?" He asked. I just stared for a minute.

"I, um, I was running." I said.

"Yeah that was obvious. Why were you running in the woods?" Someone said from beside me. I looked over to see it was the guy who was carrying me.

"That is my weapon specialist, Ironhide." Optimus said.

"Um, I was camping and ended up getting attacked by a bear and I ran." I lied. The guy beside me narrowed his eyes but said nothing.

"That would explain the bruises but, why would you be camping in those woods? Those woods are off limits." Ratchet said. I shrugged.

"I didn't see a sign." I said. He exchanged a glance with Optimus then he stepped toward me. I tensed and eyed him carefully. He gave me a curious look and reached out toward me. I flinched away, waiting for the hit but it never came. I slowly looked over my arms and slowly put them down. Lennox gave a knowing look but said nothing. I looked down at my hands.

"Rose, why were you really out there?" Lennox said. I didn't say anything. I closed my eyes and sighed. I looked up at him I stared into his eyes and he eventually understood what I was saying.

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