Backseat Serenade

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Rose's pov

"Rose, get your aft up now!!" Someone yelled. I quickly sat up but regretted that cause I ended up hitting something, hard.

"Ah, fuck. What the hell, Ironhide?" I said, rubbing my forehead. I looked over at him and glared. I heard a chuckle and I saw Will was standing beside him. I glared at him.

"Your late." He said. I looked at the clock and groaned. It was 7:01. I sighed and got up.

"I'll be there in a minute." I said. I walked over to my dresser but was pulled away but the strap of my bra. I was wearing shorts and a sports bra, a different pair, cause it was really hot last night and it's comfortable to move around in.

"No, your going now." Hide said. I gave him a weird look.

"I gotta change, Ironhide." I said. 

"Oh well, I told you to be up and at the training room at 7. You lost your chance to change." He said. I looked at Will for help but he just shrugged. I groaned.

"Fine, whatever." I said. I walked out and headed to the training room. I was in a bad mood so I didn't pay attention to everyone starring at me.

"I swear, Ironhide, I will kill you in your sleep." I mumbled. I walked in there and saw Sides and Sunny in there. They looked over and smiled. I gave a small wave the went back to being grumpy. Sides walked over to me and made a face.

"Whoa, who brought the bad mood." He said. I rolled my eyes.

"Shut it. I am not a morning person. I went to sleep late last night because of the fight with you." I said. He chuckled.

"Aw, is someone upset they lost there beauty sleep?" He teased. I glared at him and smacked him on the head. He just laughed. 

"Today, you'll be working with Jazz in MMA fighting. I saw a few things yesterday that you need to work on." Ironhide said. I nodded. Jazz walked up with a smile.

"I heard you beat Sides, yesterday." He said. I laughed at Sides expression.

"Oi, were not finished." He said. I looked back at Jazz.

"No were not finished with our fight," I leaned toward him and covered my mouth so Sides couldn't see what I was saying and said softly,"but I was winning." I said. He chuckled and Sides elbowed me in the side. I laughed.

"I'm kidding." I said. He rolled his eyes.

"Whatever." He said and crossed his arms and pouted.

"Aw, someones in a fowl mood." I said, smiling.

"Rose, we don't have time for this, let's go." Ironhide said from afar. I groaned in annoyance.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm goin', I'm goin'."I said, waving him off. I followed Jazz to the fighting rink and jumped over the rope. We both got into a fighting stance.

"Ready?" He asked. I gave my famous answer.


* * *

When we were done, almost everyone was tired and sweating. Except for me and Hide. I was sweating but Hide wasn't because he didn't do anything. He just observed. I was able to finish my fight with Sides and I ended up beating him and I got to fight Sunny as well but, I beat him as well. Jazz was just training me so I didn't really fight him.

"Are we done yet?" I asked. 'Hide was talking to Will about something before he looked over at me.

"No, you still have weapon training." He said. I grumbled. I hate weapon training. I walked over to the drink machine and got a Gatorade and was about to drink it when a sudden siren went off. 

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