Very Important: Please Read

336 21 10

Hey guys! What's goin' on? I know, I haven't updated in a while but, I just can't get any ideas for anything. So sorry about that, but that's not what I'm here to talk about.

There is a more important matter to be discussed.





There have been so many issues of this going around lately, and it's starting to get on my nerves.

People need to understand that we are not all the same. We all have our differences and we all have our own way of expressing ourselves.

We as the people of this planet need to stop treating others poorly, and start helping other people.

We as the people of this planet need to stop being bystanders in a time of need.

We need to step up, and fight against this. I don't care how cliché this sounds or whatever but we need to stand up and stand out.

I've been dealing with issues of depression and anxiety a lot lately mostly because there is so much going on in my life that it's starting to hurt.

And I'm sure a lot of you reading this have been dealing with a similar situation and I am here for you.

This entire wattpad community is here. This is the place of unity through words.

This is the place to express how we feel and to write what we feel.

Now, this is what needs to be done.

We need to stop just sitting there and watching as the world slowly crumbles away.

We need to stop just standing there as others take the hit from someone too upset with themselves to blame it on themselves.

We need to stand together, not fight each other.

I'm not saying, let's have world peace because, let's be honest, even if the world were to go in a state of friendship or something, there would be something to fuck it up.

But, we need to stop all of this and we need to stand up.

Another issue is the schools. They teach us to be ourselves yet they treat us to be the same.

This isn't the military, we don't need to be uniform through out. We need a different way of learning, we need a different way of creating ourselves and becoming the person we need to be.

We are not cattle in a barn. We are all different.

We need change.

And we need it now.

Schools need to learn that everyone learns differently and everyone does not need to be taught the same thing. 

We do not need to know what the square root of 42 is in Art.

We do not need to know Shakespear in Auto mechanics.

We do not need to know about bacteria in Band or Chorus. 

We do not need these useless facts about anything if we are not going to be using them in our lives. Stop telling us we need basic math, English and Science. We learn that in Elementary school, teach us the basics there, and then let us choose our own path of learning so we can actually use it in whatever life we choose.

We do not all need the same thing. And I'll tell you, more than half these students might actually be happy with school if they were actually learning what they wanted not what they're never going to use.

We need this to change and we need a new start. We need more of what we will use, and less of what we don't.

It's not Rocket Science. 

We just need a change.

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