Steal My Girl

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Rose's pov

I was walking around town in my human form, looking for a nice alt I wanted to use. I didn't want something fancy but I didn't want something that didn't fit me. Maybe a truck would work. I smiled when I remembered there was a GMC dealership in this town and they make some nice trucks. At least, from what I hear.

I pushed up my glasses, Ratchet had made a temporary solution for my blindness but, it doesn't work as well when I actually go blind. I mean, I can still see but, everything has just a slight blur to it. But, I'm only wearing this until he makes something better.

I walked toward the dealership and looked around. I looked through all the trucks and found one, I did like. It was one of the new trucks that just came out, which normally I don't really care for but, I liked this one. It was a 2015 GMC Sierra 1500. I smiled.

"Find everything you are looking for?" Someone said behind me. I looked to see one of those guys who worked here. I nodded.

"I'm just looking. I want to see what I want so I know what to work toward. Ya know what I mean?" I asked. He smiled and nodded.

"I know just what you mean. But maybe, trucks aren't your thing. Perhaps something a little more your style." He said. Ok, why does he sound like he's trying to sell me clothes? I shook my head.

"Actually, I prefer this one but, thanks anyway." I smiled nicely and turned away. I'll have to figure out some way of scanning this without getting caught. I looked across the street to see some wooded areas I could use to hide until they close. I walked toward the wooded area and stayed there till night fall.

* * *

I watched as the last person there locked the doors and walked toward there car and drove off. I looked at the street and saw very few cars. I walked over there, making sure I didn't get spotted. Thankfully I was having one of my blind moments so I took off my glasses and changed into my real form. I scanned the vehicle, remembering how Ratchet told me to do so, and transformed into it.

I smiled and drove off back toward the base. Ratchet told me that I could also change into a plane and I knew exactly what I wanted. I only told Ratchet because I wanted it to be a surprise. I drove up to the base and transformed before anyone could see me. I walked into the main hanger.

"Rose, Ratchet needs you in hanger 4." I heard Will yell toward me. I nodded and walked to hanger 4. But, not before a certain weapon specialist grabbed my hand and started walking with me.

"You've been out all day, ya know." He said. I smirked.

"Well, I had to make sure no one saw me cause the alt I choose was at a freakin' dealership so I had to wait." I said.

"What did you choose?" He asked. My smirked turned to a slightly evil smile.

"It's a surprise." I said. He huffed and I chuckled lightly as we walked into the hanger. I spotted Ratchet and walked over to him.

"I'm here Ratchet." I said. He was looking at something on a data-pad, which made me think of Prowl, before he looked at me. He nodded.

"I have the alt you chose." He said. I nodded and followed him to hanger 4. There, the alt I chose had just been shipped in and it was perfect.

It was an F-15 Eagle. I smiled and scanned it and transformed into it. When I changed back my armor had made me slightly taller now. The wings to my alt hid under my Guardian wings. Which I now noticed, needed to be stretched out.

"Thanks Ratchet. Can I head out side to stretch out my wings?" I asked. He nodded.

"But don't stray to far from the base. Let, Ironhide go with you." He said. I smiled over at Hide, whom I saw was totally checking me out. I chuckled.

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