Tumblr Post

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Hiiii guys!!! Okay, yea I know. I haven't updated in a bit. Sorry my writers block is just cruel. But I have something funny to show you guys. But first, THIS DOES NOT BELONG TO ME!!!! IT BELONGS TO THE PEOPLE OF TUMBLR I JUST FOUND IT FUNNY AND I WANTED TO SHOW YOU PEOPLE!! BUT I AM SAYING IT DOES NOT BELONG TO ME!!!! CAPICHE?!?

Okay here it is ^~^

Somebody once trolled me, successfully rickrolled me

I ain't the sharpest noob in the thread

I was typing kinda dumb WITH THE CAPS LOCK BUTTON ON

I bet you thought this post was finally dead

Well, the memes start comin' and they don't stop comin'

Grabbing all the breadsticks, and leave the shop runnin'

Didn't make sense not to live for gun

Your left sides beef but your pizza's none

So much to post so much to see so much John Cena on my live feed

Very meme, such impress. How you learn these knows. So amaze. Wow



Get the rarest. PEPE



O shit. Waddup.

And that dress was white and goooold

Everybody craves those minerallllllllllls.


Now those are all different users and if by any chance one of those users are reading this, I have to say that was awesome and I applaud. But I wanted people to see this cause its just funny and I haven't updated anything in a while so, I might as well do something.

But on that topic I will be updating as soon as I can. I've just been busy with swim team and chores and writers block so yeah but I promise I will try to get this update up soon. Welp bye guys!!

And remember, you are amazing!! Don't let anyone tell you different.
If your having issues with someone bullying you, tell them to stick it where the sun don't shine ;). Or tell 'em ta talk ta me. I'll show 'em not ta mess wit' 'cha cx.

They just don't understand how truly amazing you are. Show them your amazingness. If they tease you just because you're smart, then make sure your the top of the class. They'll be workin' for ya soon XD.

If they make fun of you because you're LGBT, find your partner and rub it in there face an ask 'em where's there partner?

If they make fun of you because your just different, embrace it and show 'em you don't care. Because that shows you're not insecure and they are about themselves.

If they make fun of you because of your weight, tell them that you know your beautiful. Your weight should never matter because you are beautiful.

If they make fun of you for anything at all, just show them that you don't care and show them how much you truly are beautiful because one day, there gonna look back and think about you. And they might see you doing something huge, while there flippin' burgers at McDonald's. And they'll regret everything they ever did to hurt you.

You are beautiful and you are amazing. Don't let anyone tell you different. :)

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