Waiting for Superman

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Rose's pov

I woke up on my own and looked at the time. 12:00. I raised a brow. Don't they normally come get me if I'm up late? I got up and slipped on some skinny jeans and my Doctor Who shirt and walked out with my phone in my back pocket.

I walked in the main hanger and saw everyone was doing there usual thing. I raised a brow and walked over to the twins.

"Hey, I thought you guys didn't like me sleeping in late?" I asked Sides. He smirked evilly and knelt down and placed his servo on the ground and I climbed on. He stood up and placed me on his shoulder.

"Ironhide said that it was ok for you to sleep in today. You sleep late ya know." He said. I smiled. He let me sleep in. Thoughts of what happened yesterday appeared in my mind and my smile grew. I had a slight blush appear as well. I looked over at the twins and saw evil smiles on there face.

"Hey Sides, you think you can guess why she's blushing?" Sunny said in an evil tone. My eyes narrowed and I stared at them suspiciously.

"Can't say I do. Maybe it's the thought of what happened yesterday in the training room." Sides answered. My eyes went wide and my blush went dark.

"W-what?" I stuttered. They know about it?! I was very surprised and I wasn't sure if Hide told them or if they saw. So I was very unsure of what to do. Other than freeze and freak out on the inside.

"You mean you didn't kiss Hide?" He said mischievously. I just stared at him. My blush, if possible, went darker.

"U-um..w-who told you?" I said. He just smirked.

"You just did." Sunny answered. I just stood there and stared at them. T chuckled and started walking toward the autobot sized training room. I didn't say anything as we walked cause I didn't trust my voice.

"You two are late." Someone said as a giant knife flew passed my head. I jumped out of the way and looked back at Hide.

"Good throw, but next time, make sure I'm not on Sideswipe's shoulder." I said. Sunny chuckled. I smiled. Hide rolled his eyes.

"Well I wasn't gonna hit ya. You really think I would?" He said. I pretended to think.

"You might." I said with a teasing tone. I smiled when he gave me a look. He walked over and put his servo near Sides shoulder so I could hop on, which I did. As his hand pulled away he looked at the twins.

"Go get training, your staying longer today sense you decided to be late." Ironhide said. Sides groaned in annoyance and walks off with his twin. I looked up at Hide and smiled.

"You can be so mean, ya know." I teased. Hide just shook his head and smiled and turned toward the outside training area. He put me down on a table, that was huge might I add, and walked over to some stuff that was on the wall. He pressed some buttons and some training drones came up and he started practicing I sat down and watched.

He was a really good fighter. He could probably take down an entire army if he wanted to. As I watched my head started to hurt and my vision started getting weird like when I first met them.

"Hide, can you take me to Ratchet? I can't see and my head hurts." I said. I felt myself being lifted up but soon I was falling. I hit the table, which knocked the breath out of me. I choked out a breath as I heard fighting.

"Leave Megatron. You won't get her and I won't let you." I heard Hide's voice. So Megatron was here? I didn't move and I started to shake. I didn't like the idea of him being here. Though I never met him personally, when I saw him, he scared me. I didn't know why but he did.

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