Kids in the Dark

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Rose's pov

It was huge. Maybe this is where the planes were put. I wandered around cause this place seemed very different from the rest of the place.

As I walked around some barrels, I saw different kinds of vehicles. There was blue semi with red flames on it and next to it was an emergency vehicle. On the opposite side from the truck, there was a black GMC Topkick and beside it were two Lamborghinis, a red one and a yellow one. In front of me was a yellow Camaro with two black stripes going down the front of it. I could tell there were more cars but, these were the first ones I see and they..intrigued me.

I walked over to the yellow lamborgini and lightly touched it. It was smooth. Smooth like when you touch it, it was soft. But thats not what surprised me. When I touched it, the car shivered. I stared at the car in wonder but, thought nothing of it. I turned to the red lambo and looked between it and the yellow one. Twins. Twin cars. That's something you don't see everyday.

"Who are you and what are you doing in here?" Someone said from behind me. I turned around and saw there was a guy, about maybe 19 or 20. He had black hair with red highlights and red tips. He wore a black jacket with red flames on the sleeves. He had a red shirt with a weird face on it. The thing that got my attention most was his eyes. He had electric blue eyes. The same as the other three. Are they related or something?

"Um, I was just getting some air or rather getting out of the small plain white hell hole." I said. He chuckled.

"So you're the one that was found outside. You must be Rose. I'm Sideswipe. You can call me Sides. And that Hell hole was the med bay. And I completely agree with that statement." He said. I smiled and chuckled a little.

"Wait, so does everyone here know me or something?" I asked he shrugged.

"Most of us. Hey why don't you come meet the rest of us?" He asked. I shrugged.

"Sure why not?" I said. He smiled then I heard someone yell my name. I turned around to see Ironhide. I growled.

"Rose, you are not supposed to be in here." He said. I rolled my eyes.

"Why does it matter? I mean all that's in here are a bunch of cars and a really cool person. What is there to hide?" I said. I heard a chuckle and Ironhide glared at Sides.

"Oh come on, 'hide. There nothing wrong with her wandering around. I was just about to take her to meet the rest of us." He said.

"Sideswipe, you know only Lennox, Epps and a few others are allowed in here. She is not supposed to be in here." He said. I crossed my arms.

"Well she has a mind of her own and can make her own decisions. You can't tell her what to do." I said. I love talking back to people in third person whenever they talk about me cause it's just funny. He growled.

"Rose, get back to the med bay now." He said. I growled and looked him in the eye.

"Make me." I said. He narrowed his eyes and just stared back. A few minutes past before I heard other people come in.

"Ironhide! Rose! What are you both doing in here?! I told you to keep her in the med bay!" I heard Ratchets voice.

"She wouldn't listen! She's a stubborn aft!" Ironhide said. What the hell is an aft?

"She is right here! And She can make her own choices as I just said before." I said, annoyed. I looked over at Ratchet and he had something in his hand. Looked like a wrench. I shrugged it off.

"Well you need to get back to the med bay, I am not done with your wounds." He said. I rolled my eyes.

"Hatchet, I'm fine." I said. He looked mad. Maybe because of the nickname.

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