Angle with a Shotgun

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Rose's pov

I got up early, before anyone else did, and slipped a tank top over myself and walked outside to see no one up. I looked into the autobot hanger and saw everyone was still asleep. Even Ironhide was asleep.

I smiled and closed the door quietly and decided to go outside. I went into the woods, because I love nature so much and I wanted to get out. I walked far and decided to climb a tree. I climbed up the highest tree and sat on the highest branch. I stared out at the vast opening in front of me. There was one weeping willow tree sitting in the opening and then nothing but rolling hills.

I climbed down and headed for the willow. Willow trees are my favorite kind of tree. The way the leaves fell and the way the blow in the wind blew the leaves, making it beautiful. It was like a little beautiful girl, stuck crying.

I climbed up the tree and looked out at the field. It was all rolling hills and shadows of the clouds floating in the sky. It was really pretty but, I preferred the woods. There more secluded and hide away many secrets. I sighed and leaned back but I felt something move. I looked behind me and stared in surprise.

"What are you doing out here?" I asked.

"I always come out here. Just before the sun comes up so I can watch it. Now what are you doing out here?" He said. I shrugged.

"Figured sense I was up early I could explore before training. So I guess I won't be late this time." I said. He smirked.

"No I guess you won't." He said. I stared at him. I didn't notice before but, he was actually really cute. I got lost in his eyes.  His beautiful, electric blue eyes. He smirked.

"Something interest you?" He said. I lightly blushed and looked at my phone to see the time. It was 6:55. I sighed.

"We better get going if you want me to be at training on time today." I said. I was about to jump down but he grabbed my arm. I looked at him confused.

"Ironhide, we need to go." I said. He just stared at me.

"No training today. Today is your day off." He said. I stared at him surprised. I sat back against a branch. I smiled lightly.

"Why do you wanna cancel training today?" I asked. He smirked.

"Why not?" He said. My smiled grew a little and I looked out toward the woods. It was quiet, a comfortable silence, for a bit. I laid my head back and closed my eyes. I heard a sigh and I looked at 'Hide and saw his eyes distance then come back to normal.

"Optimus needs me for something. I gotta go." He said. I don't know why but, I felt disappointed. I nodded.

"Well, I should start heading back too." I said. He nodded and we walked back together in silence. I got an idea gave a sly smile and poked him. He stared at me for a second and then poked me back. We did that for a few minutes and then I moved away to keep him from poking. 

"Hey, you can't do that." He said and tried to poke me again but, I got away again. I chuckled.

"Your a little slow, 'Hide." I said. He smirked and darted toward me. I squeaked and started to run toward the base. I could hear his footsteps right behind me. I laughed as we got to the base. I ran through an open door, not looking as to what room I was in, and turned my head to see 'Hide still chasing me. 

I turned back but tripped over something ad fell to the ground. See the thing that made it worse is, sense 'Hide was right behind me, he tripped as well. We toppled over a few times and then stopped. I had closed my eyes, to keep anything from getting into them while I was falling. I opened them back up and saw I was on top of Ironhide. He was holding his head and I saw something blue seeping from his temple.

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