Love Kills Slowly - Chapter 11 :O

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He... he kissed her.


I couldn't watch it. Once again, I had managed to let myself be broken and shattered. Then he put his arms around her, and my legs began to move by themselves, and the tears came flooding in. I ran away, as fast as I could, getting myself miles away from them.  I sped into the school, and sprinted down the corridors.  The image of Matt and the girl flashed before my eyes as I ran.

"Miss Bell, I am sure you know that this isn't a race-track."

Dammit. Teacher. I peered down at my shoes and mumbled a 'no, Mr Smith,' before dashing down the hall again. After a while, I had run out of breath, so I stopped and leaned on a locker. This was short lived, as I saw Matt at the other end of the path. I ran, but I couldn't go fast. At a point, he had got my wrist. I had managed to get to the cafeteria. I tried to break free, but I couldn't.

"Christina, please listen, I love you"

Out of shock, I turned around. He embraced me, and I did something I had dreaded to do;

I told Matt that I love him.

He kissed me. It felt perfect (although it tasted like cherry lip-gloss, probably from that stupid bitch.) and I understood that I couldn't live without him. Matt was my oxygen. I could never love someone the way I loved him. If he had ever left me, I wouldn't know what to do. He's my drug, and I'm addicted. I can't not have him - it's physically impossible.

"This isn't a race-track, or a kissing club - This is school, not a social gathering. I have warned you already Miss Bell, but you have decided to rebel, and, drag Mr Detray into your silly games.  I'll see you two at detention in my office, after school. Now don't let me catch you again."

Detray? I smirked at him, as he went red. That's even worse than Bell! I laughed as Mr Smith returned back to his office.  I began to fiddle with my fingers, until I felt something cold on my neck. I looked down, to see a heart shaped pendant. I pulled it closer, so that I could see it better.  It was silver, and I could make out an inscription on the left side, but I couldn't read it.

"Stop moving around, I haven't finished putting it on, stupid."

I stood still while Matt tried to get the hoop through the hook. After a few minutes, he had done it.

"Done. Man, that stuff is fiddly business. Dunno how girls do it."

The bell rung - signalling registration- so, we made our way to the classroom.


The day went past quite quickly. There were no lessons after lunch, so I finished my sandwich and packed my school bag and headed for detention. But it was with Matt. This would be interesting...

"Hurry up. I was ready ages ago."

"Coming," I puffed.

He pushed the office door. Nothing budged. Matt pushed again, but still, it stood still.

"It's locked.  Fuck that shit, I'm going home. Oldie can kiss my ass," Matt muttered. Then took my hand and walked off, dragging me behind.



"I'm not coming with you. I don't want double detention," I sternly said, causing Matt to stare at me.   At first, he seemed shocked, but then annoyed.

"Fine, see if I care," he replied, before walking off.

A minute later, Mr Smith strolled down the corridor, saw me, and let me into his den, where I spend an hour writing lines and polishing trophies. It was so boring, lonely and stupid. There was no-one to talk to, or joke around with.  Once I had done my time, I gave Mr Smith a formal apology and I got out of school, and went home.

"Honey, why are you late?" my mum asked, as I opened the house door.

"I..." I tried to come up with a suitable lie, because I didn't want to tell her that I had detention for kissing someone. - Mums are like that. And then they want to meet the boys who have their precious daughter's heart enclosed in their hands. It would mean a formal dinner party, with embarrassing childhood stories about me trying to eat butterflies and throwing worms at people. "I... I had to do extra French," I finally concluded, pleased with myself for finding something believable.

"Uh-hum," she replied, fully endorsed in looking at her teeth in the mirror. I decided to leave her, and scramble up the stair and go into my room. I crawled up the stairs, and then I forgot what happened. I vaguely remember my head spinning and something leaking out of me. All I know for certain is that I ended up in a hospital afterwards. I closed my eyes as quickly as I had opened them. There was light pouring in from everywhere.  I tried to shield my eyes, but found out that my arms had been firmly rooted onto a bed, glued to the sides of my talle de moyenne [of average build] frame.

"Ah, Miss Beel, you have awoken," a high pitched voice came.

"It's Bell," I grunted. I opened one eye, and saw a slim, tall, cold woman standing by the side of the bed. She had a nurse uniform on... I was in hospital? However, she ignored me and continued talking.

"You have had a bad accident. You fell down the stairs and broke your right arm. 'Fraid you won't be writing anything. We plan to discharge you in two weeks. Your father has extended your stay in your school by two weeks too, so that you can catch up."

"Where's everyone?" I asked.

"We are not allowing visitors, as you need your rest."

"Okay, thanks."

"I wish you a good recovery, Miss Beel," The nurse said, before exiting the room, leaving me alone in the room.

"It's Bell," I shouted, but she had already gone, before I could tell her.

NOTE: Update time! It was my birthday last Sunday, and the week before that I was really ill. So I couldn't go on my laptop, BUT I have started a plan for a novel after this one. It's going to be MILES different, but a good one to write. A bit of action-filled one. Doing the same thing gets a bit boring after a while, y'know? I know it's short, but I'll make up for it!

When I was ill, I wrote a few reviews on Cd's I recently bought. (I'm an aspiring Music Journalist ha-ha) Might put those up here, if anyone really cares. If anyone's got something they want me to review, just give me a shout (I'm a saddo, who needs something new to write about. )


Comment, Please! I feel like I'm talking to myself. I probably am. And I'm going loop-de-loopy.

A HUGE thank you for anyone who is reading this (: Thanks for giving this a chance. You get a cookie :D

A even Bigger thank you for anyone who's commented/voted/ shared/ fanned this novel/me. You get a even bigger cookie :DD

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