Love Kills Slowly Chapter 21

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Tomorrow was the day. Being discharged from hospital meant that I could finally go home. I had spent the last to days crying and packing, packing and crying. Cardboard boxes labelled with unimportant things such as “Bedding” and “Books” were next to those filled with my fondest memories and possessions. Yesterday had been awful, I knew that I wasn’t very popular, but I still felt disappointed when no one had come to see me. I finished putting things in my handbag, which I would take on the train and put a pack of tissues in – they would be needed. I felt the front pocket of my jeans – the broken heart necklace was still there.

I burst into tears.

I missed Matt, and everything about him. His smell, his beautiful blue eyes – the only ocean I was happy to drown in,  the heart-warming smiles. Even small characteristics such as his mismatched socks, which were worn to the bone, with far too many holes in them.

I reached for a tissue and wiped my eyes. It was over.

Nothing of too much importance happened for the rest of the day, and as I crawled into bed, I could only hope that he hadn’t left me already.


I gave a grumble and rolled over. “Huh?” I mumbled, before half-opening one of my eyes.

“Hey darling.”

I snapped my eyes open and looked at the boy lying next to me. “How the heck did you get into here?”

“You have a very nice window.”

“Good one Matt, good one,” I replied sarcastically.

“ don’t want to see me?” He asked. I looked into his eyes and saw the hurt expression on his face.

“No! I was scared to death.”

“Sorry. I’ve been doing...stuff.”

“What stuff would that be? Another girl?” I whispered. I didn’t want to raise my voice and wake my dad, but I made sure that I sounded as pissed-off as possible.

“No, I’m not like that. I love you with all my heart and soul.  Silly girl,” he giggled. “You’re my rainbow on a rainy day.”

“I’m so sorry of thinking about that sort of thing,” I sobbed. I wrapped my arms around him and held on for dear life. I didn’t want to lose him. I’ve only known him for a few months and I’ve already fallen head over heels for him. I was a complete twat. I should have known better.

The worst part was, that when I woke up, he wasn’t there anymore.  I had managed to sleep in, and it was only an hour before I would be driven to the train. 

I looked at the two people who had come to say goodbye: Rae and Matt. There was so much that I wanted to say in that moment, but only one word came out;


“Don’t need to say that now, we’re coming to the station too.” Rae said, trying to smile.

And that was what happened, I sat in the car, packed with five people, my handbag, and a grim atmosphere. The train had already pulled up when we got there. The boxes of stuff was going to be moved with the furniture. They were the last part of me left in this town.

God,if you’re out there, listen to me. Please, please don’t make me go. I beg you.

But God had obviously left me on standby. I gave Rae and Matt the longest hug physically possible. I clenched onto Matt with all my might, trying to absorb his smell for the last time.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be there. Just stand on the outside of the train,” he whispered into my ear. I looked at him in confusion, but he only pressed his finger onto his lips. Silently, I took one half of the heart pendant out and pressed it into his hand. He didn’t look at it, and turned his flat hand into a fist.

The train was about to depart, so I quickly got on and stood at the outside on the back and began to wave. It had just begun to speed off to the north when Matt began running towards the edge of the platform. He leaped and ran on the train track, towards the train that was going into the distance.





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