Chapter 18 :D

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Christina P.O.V.

I could feel the tears trickling down my cheeks,. They felt endless. Could a human cry this much? Maybe I would die from too much sobbing. I really had to get myself together. It’s only been three days. 72 hours. Well, 72 hours and four minutes, now. I counted every second, minute, hour and day that I hadn’t seen Matt. Had he forgotten me? It felt like an eternity ago that I had last seen him. I constantly thought about him. His deep blue eyes, his smile – sweet enough to make an upset baby burst into giggles. Just the thought gave me the tingles. What was he thinking about at the moment? Could he be thinking about me now? Maybe he missed me as much as I missed him. It was undeniable that I felt a strong, permanent love for Matt. I was sure that it wasn’t anything else. Every moment that we were not together, I couldn’t stop thinking about him. Even Rae decided to replace my hated nick-name ‘Christy’ to ‘Lovesick Birdie.’

I had another four days left in hospital, and then I was free to do and go as I please. I couldn’t contain my excitement, but it all seemed bland and colourless without Matt.

“Hi Birdie.” It was Rae, who had came in casually. “How are you?”

“Hey Rae.” I dried my eyes quickly and smiled at my best friend. “Not too bad,” I sniffed, “caught a cold.”

“Sure you did, Birdie.”

“Yup.” I replied, popping the P.

“Where’s lover-boy?”

“I don’t know! And don’t call him lover-boy!” I snapped.

“I thought he’d be here. He hasn’t been in school much.”

“Well he’s not in this room. So there.”

“Okay, okay. Calm down. LB will be around somewhere,” she replied, helping herself to the box of celebrations that were by my bedside. “So, you’re out in a couple days, huh?” She asked, unwrapping her malteaser.

“Yeah, in four days. I hope Matt’s back before then...”

“Matt Matt Matt Matt Matt! Anything else? Or has everything been Matt-ified. Maybe you should start a Matt fan club. I’ll call my kids Matt, and yours can be Matt Jr. And then we’ll have a tea party with pink rabbits and unicorns in stuff-toy format. Won’t that be great?”

I froze, and looked at her. I felt my heart go cold. An ice age was commencing inside of me. I was turning into stone.

Rae began to giggle, and I burst into tears, as if on que. That had done it for me, I couldn’t bottle it in for any longer. Rae looked surprised and rushed to my side, lightening fast.

“Poor baby!” She cooed, “now, now. Shhh. Don’t make a sound,” she continued, putting her finger on my lips, as if I really was her six month old child called Matt. Somehow, Rae always managed to calm me down.  “You really love the boy, don’t you?” She asked.

Yes, yes I fucking do. I thought, as I nodded, silently.

“You poor lovesick birdie,” She smiled, whilst wiping my tears away with a tissue. “That’s something special you’ve got there, Birdie, don’t let it fly away. Hold on tight, because there’ll be storms, and turbulances, but you have to be there, the whole way through. He’s had his heart broken so many times. He’s a pot with loads of cracks, and you ‘re the restorer, who’s gonna remove them. Don’t get frustrated, and throw the pot on the floor. Got it?”

I nodded once more and looked at Rae. You see, this is what I loved about her. She was wise and calming, a bit like a mother but still the funniest, craziest girl you could ever imagine.

“Good. Now shut up and go to bed.”

“I am in bed. I’ve been in here for ages.”


“What was that for, then?”

“So that I could steal another malteaser whilst you figured that one out.” She said, before popping another chocolate into her mouth, smiling.

“Good one.”


“You’re Welcome.”

------ *Sparkly time travel* ---

It had been just over two hours since Rae had left. I could still only think of Matt. Could he have moved on?     Forgotten about me? Rae was so sure that he hadn’t. I tossed and turned, and couldn’t get a wink of sleep.

At around 10 p.m. I heard the door creak open and I saw a bit of brown hair poke out. My heart missed a beat. I caught a glimps of the blue eyes, staring at me. I couldn’t describe the feelings gushing through me at the moment in time. Like a downpour of happiness, excitement, disbelief and everything else a human can actually feel. He walked over to my bedside, silently and slowly, like a ghost. I could smell his aftershave, a light airy scent that I couldn’t get enough of. He bent down and kissed me, his lips barely touching mine. My whole body was set on fire.

“ I missed you,” he murmured. I stared into his deep eyes and knew that he meant it.

I think I died and came back to life. An angel was standing next to me, telling me that he missed me. I think I was about to cry. I gave a yawn and smiled at him. He automaticly yawned back and went to the other side of the bed, and plopped himself next to me.

It was all too much for me. I fell asleep right there and then.


ARGH... CV'S SUCK. I need to finish mine. and write some reviews. Blurgh. Too much work for my face.


Nighters (:

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