Love Kills Slowly Chapter 14 :(

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Matt P.O.V.

These were the things that ran through my head whilst I accompanied the stars home. I walked down the road.  I could feel the tears about to surface.  I was a demon on the inside. A monster that came out of my cage every now and then. To lose her would be worse. I would have to control myself. I let myself into the house and turned on all the lights. I felt venerable and blind.  It was as if I was stumbling in the dark, looking for the switch. I sighed and went down the corridor, turned left and walked into my room. I walked over to my desk and looked at the photo in the wooden frame. I studied the great big oak tree, and how small I looked, comparing to it. The photo was taken last year.  I seemed so calm and peaceful. What had made me change?

I fell onto the bed and screamed in frustration. I couldn’t figure it out. I doubt I ever will. Tears streamed down my face. I needed to sort myself out. And now. I could hurt someone I loved. Not just bruises. I could damage them. I could feel it inside of me; I had the power to do that, and to do more. I thought of Christina, Rae, mum, dad... all those people that I loved. One of them could be next...

That night, I dreamt of two rocks. There were a few shadows cast over it. One rock was smashed, and the other one crumbled by itself. 


I know I haven't uploaded in two weeks and this is super short but I'm REALLY busy. I have to pick options, finish off birthday presents (I'm making a book) and homework.

I don't know if I can get something up on sunday, BUT I'LL TRY.

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