Love Kills slowly chapter six

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 I think I like Christina Bell. It's a huge mistake. I'm just the quiet school kid, and she? She was the daughter of a millionaire. She could do so much better than me. She would never like me. I had literally forced her to dance with me. Why? I don't know.

Snap! I'm day-dreaming. What are we doing? I feel blind... oh; we're standing by the door. ...Why is my hand so warm? I have a look, and notice my hand is still attached to her wrist. No wonder it's burning. But it's not like a fire-burn; it's more of a warm tingle. She was staring at me. I chuckled and smiled at her. A few seconds progressed and the last dance track finished. I hear "Miserable at best" play by Mayday Parade. One of my favourite songs.

"Christina Bell...Will you dance with me?" I blurted out, feeling my face flush. I don't know what made me say those seven words. Why was I so brave? It was unusual.

To hell with it.

Before she could reply, I put her arms on my shoulders and began to sway. I never knew how simple it was to slow dance. That might be because I never had a partner. Jeepers, I sounded like a loner. Then I realised that Christina was looking at me. Her brown eyes focused on my face.  I felt embarrassed and bare. She looked at me, lovingly... I think. I put my arms around her back, while she shot me a grin. Her picture-perfect face lit up when she smiled. It warmed my heart.

"So, you still haven't told me what you did upstairs," I reminded her.

"I was... going to the toilet."

"Don't lie to me, Christina," I told her quite sternly. It came out much harsher as I intended it to be.

"I was exploring the house," she replied, just louder than a whisper, making me giggle (a rather manly giggle). She was so childish, and rather sweet.

I looked at forehead, and found a small scar. I traced it with my finger, gently. When I asked her who did it, she explained that it was a clumsy mistake.

"You're cute," I muttered, so she couldn't understand. I was a natural at that.

I took a deep breath, and kissed her forehead. I breathed in, as if absorbing her smell. She smelt nice. A little like apple. I felt warm all over. The feeling spread over my body, head to toe, like a toxic poison.  I craned my head back up, making the heat end. It was barely a second, but it felt like forever. I noticed her sigh, and smirked. Since when was I so daring?

I bent down, as if too kiss her.

"Fooled you," I whispered, smiling.

I got back to my original position and enjoyed watching her face go scarlet. Then, the song ended. I didn't want it to; I was enjoying myself too much. I let go of her and walked away, before she could ask me any questions. I put on my coat and left the house, before anyone else could. I walked about in Rae's front garden, where no one could see me. I sat on the grass and watched everyone walk out. I was hoping to see Christina, but she didn't come out. I waited for fifteen minutes for her, until I realised that she might be in there all night. I found a wild rose. I put it outside the front door, and left her a note, writing her initials and a quote from the song we danced to. I didn't write my name. I didn't want to. It would be safer to keep it anonymous, in case someone else found it. Then I walked home, listening to the song over and over, until it became a lullaby and it lulled me to sleep.


Author's Note: A new point of view! I felt that it was needed. J What do you think is going to happen? Six whole chappys... I'm spoiling you ;)

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