Love Kills Slowly Chap. 8 :'(

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Christina POV.

When I got to school, people were pointing their fingers, whispering, giggling. I felt horrible. Like an exhibit in a museum. Why was everyone looking at me? I tried to not let it bug me, but I couldn't. I walked down the entrance and ran into Matt. He looked at me. There was anger in his eyes, it made me shiver.  He took me by the wrist and dragged me into the gym, without uttering a single word.  I looked behind me, to see that people were following us. Matt opened the door, and went inside, taking me with him. He let the door shut by itself. I was doomed. No one followed us in but there were hoards of people stood outside, looking inside. He noticed this, and instantly let go of my wrist. He had a playful smile on his lips, making me sigh in relief, nothing would happen.  He put his hand in mind, and made our fingers entwine, and my face heat up. People outside noticed that this was meant to be private, and left.

Then it happened.

Matt ripped his hand away, and slapped me across the face.

"You treacherous bitch"

I felt a hand swipe my cheek. I glanced at the door, there was no one there.  My heart broke into two. I thought we would be together. I thought that he liked me.  I was wrong. It was all a silly game, a mind game. He had built me up and tore me down.

"Everyone thinks that we're a couple. It's all your fault," Matt confirmed my thought, before punching me in the face, bringing me to the ground.

I could taste the metallic texture of blood in my mouth.  I wanted to cry, to have Rae help me. But she didn't believe me, and never would. For what seemed like eternity, Matt continued to beat me, but his words were more painful than his actions.

" I hate you, I wish I had never met you."

" What were you thinking? Who the fuck do you think you are? I don't need you, and never will, you slut."

For every insult, there was a bruise. After what seemed like an eternity, there was an end. I closed my eyes, waiting for the next load of abuse, but there was nothing. I heard footsteps fade, and a door open, I opened my eyes to see that he had left me. I began to cry. I let it all out; I couldn't bottle it in any longer. Why? Why me? I was the one suffering. The guy I love hates me. Brilliant.

I heard the bell for first lesson go, so, I went to my classroom, and sat at the back of the room.  Soon, students were flooding in, talking to their friends, looking through their books. No matter what they did, they all saw me, and narrowed their eyes and pointed at me.  What have I ever done?

Then finally the teacher came.

"Sit down, class. Today we are going to learning about..."

She droned on and on about some angles, but my thoughts weren't with maths, they were with Matt. He was in the other maths set, meaning I could avoid him for a little longer.

" Christina."

Why me,  why, why, why?


I snapped out of my "zone" and realised that the teacher was calling me.

"Yes?" I feebly replied.

"Are you okay? You haven't done anything all lesson. You don't look too good."

"I was ill yesterday."

"Ah, please, go home, you don't look like you will be able to do a full day at school. Rest, and see how you feel like tomorrow." She said with a smile.

I nodded, and took my bag, leaving the classroom. Thank God. I took the long journey home and went into the house. I flung my school bag into a corner and walked upstairs, into my room. I changed into my pyjamas and got into bed.  I stayed there, until I heard a knock on the door, which made me go cold.

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