Together We're Safe

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I snap my attention to Laur's question.

"Yes, we will get a 2-bed apartment. We're best friends, dude!" I hear a slight chuckle escape her mouth.

"How quickly do you think we'll get a place though?" Biting my lip, having a little think to myself.

"I could book a hotel for the first couple of days, but I'm sure it wouldn't be too long, as long as we're not massively bothered by the area or the state of the place?" She bursts out laughing at the comment, giving her a confused look she climbs onto her knees.

"You know, I like to decorate. I plan on getting a little job when we do this and help with the payments, what about you though, are you not working close by?" I wave my hand in her direction.

"I've been doing well in my job, I'll ask if there's a relocation available and if there's not... I'll just take a couple of weeks off and just apply for another. I applied for my current and within a couple of days, I was working. I've been saving for a long time, I mean, the car was a family friend who doesn't like my father very much and wanted to give me a way to get around without having to get transportation" She nods, bopping her finger in my face.

"That's pretty sneak Lynch" I shrug my shoulders in response.

"I'm aware of that Laur"

-- later on

"It's almost 3 o'clock - what do you suppose we do?" I contemplate getting the idea on the way.

"I want to get things started, but I don't want to force you into things you know..." She places her hand on my shoulder, giving me reassurance.

"Lynch, when we go back to our houses... I will pack a suitcase full of what I need, clothes, I'll cut down on my routine products... we will get out of this side of town tonight, deal?" I smile widely at my best friend, scared of how this is going to go down, but excited to be finally leaving my Dad's place.

"Yeah, let's get this shit started. I don't need to refuel just yet, I'll do it tomorrow. It won't cost a fortune to get to the other side of Cali from here... you know what?" I watch as Laur stands up, patting her legs down getting all the sand off her.

"What?" She smiles widely again, her hands covered in sand, so she claps her hands together to get rid of that.

"I'll take you home right now, I'll wait for you outside that way you have an immediate escape just in case" She smiles, stroking my arm to comfort me.

"I should be the one to comfort you, it's my idea to basically run, leave or escape you know" She nods walking back to the car, I take one more photo of Laur without her knowing. Capture the moments when you don't expect them.

"That maybe so, but we are both leaving and escaping together, I feel excited but also scared... so I know you're feeling similar" I nod agreeing with her, I catch up with Laur and bring her under my arm to hold her close.

"We will manage this, I know we will" She smiles agreeing with me.

Slowly walking back to the car, I think to myself for a bit.

"Are we looking for a mehish apartment near shops for easier access to work, or do not mind a little walk or drive to work?" She raises her eyebrows at the question.

"If we don't want to be spending money on petrol constantly to be driving into work, close to shops, plus what if we both have different locations for work and need to drive, it's not very convenient is it?" I shake my head again agreeing with her.

"Fair point, I can't promise a spotless place then, it might be dingy" She shrugs her shoulders at my response on the place condition.

"If it gets us closer to the shops and makes things easier for us both, we will make the dingy place ours anyway" I chuckle lightly at her response.

"Well, let's get you back to yours so you can get packed!" She nods climbing into the front seat, whilst I rush to the driver's side.

"This could the start of ours new life's Laur. Should we get new numbers too?" Shaking her head, she turns the radio on but turns the volume down.

"Nah, I may be leaving my mother but I wouldn't want to get rid of the only way she could probably remember to contact me!" I completely understood and sided with her on that decision.

"Okay cool, but can I least get you a proper phone please? I'd want to at least FaceTime if I don't have the time during the night or whatever!" She holds her hand to her chest, faking being offended.

"How dare you insult my flip phone. She has done me well through the years - I'll take you on the offer eventually though" I smile at her dorkyiness.

"Who knows, by the time I decide to get a phone- you might already be able to afford it yourself" she smiles widely nodding.

"Very true. I'm pretty excited for this independence we're about to entrust on" pushing her shoulder slightly, I nod again agreeing fully.

"We're almost at your mums, you clear on what to pack? You know I'd come in and help you" she takes a breath looking towards her mothers place and nods slowly opening the passenger side door.

"If I'm not back in 20 minutes. Rescue me, I don't care of what happens" I grab my phone setting a timer as she exits the car.

These 20 mins are gonna go by so slowly...

Together We're Safe - RauraWhere stories live. Discover now