Together We're Safe

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The sun shines bright into my sleeping eyes, fuck I forgot to close the curtains last night.

Checking my phone on the night stand, I see that it's 8:30am. I mean, once we had our pizza, watched a little Netflix, we chatted about our plans for the apartment and went to sleep because we both knew today was going to be a busy day.

"Laura?" I groan slightly as my body was just not moving at all, I was still quite tired and my body wasn't — functioning.

"I'm awake, want some coffee?" blowing raspberries, Laura caught onto her answer and got up off the bed and walked over to the coffee station.

I push my body up to lean onto my elbows.

"You okay? Did you sleep rough?" After filling the kettle with water and placing it on the heater, flipping the switch and turning to face me.

"Pretty much, why did the bed feel comfortable the night before. It doesn't make any sense..." I raised my eyebrows wondering the same question myself.

"Maybe it's just a mental thing because we have our apartment now, we want to be in it?" She giggles for a second before turning back to the kettle that clicked to remind Laura that the water was ready and scorching hot.

I watch as she pours the water into the available mugs on the counter, preparing the coffee to get us set up for the day.

"Well we have a long day ahead of don't you think?" I nod as she could see me through the mirror.

"Yeah, I'm gonna check my emails while drinking our 'delicious' coffee" I put an emphasis on the delicious as the coffee, is literally close to tasteless.

"Yeah, we should get a Starbucks before heading to IKEA today" I throw my hand up in agreement as my other hand still had the coffee mug in it.

"Yes, I definitely agree with you" I throw myself off the bed, phone and mug of coffee still hand. I'm scrolling through emails and I see one that catches my eyes.


"Hmm?" I say nothing which makes her come over to me out of curiosity of my silence.

"You got the job Ross? Nice one dude, I'm happy and proud of you" I smile not knowing what to say. They wanted me to confirm my start, but we've done nothing else to get where we needed to be.

"Ross, if either of us weren't sure about any of this. Neither of us would've applied to begin with. Accept the job! I'm still here" My lovely petite friend made a good point, I quickly typed back my availability and my acceptance of the job role and locked my phone to finish my coffee.

"Well then, since my finances are sorted, and don't worry. Yours will soon be too" She smiles at me with positivity.

"I know that, I saw how busy those workers are that day I went in" I sent a wink her way letting her know how much I believe in her.

"Good, now let's get ready"

-> sitting in the car

Right, we're both sitting in the car and again googling the closet Starbucks, the closer one to us was shut for some weird reason so we can't use it.

"The closet one from here is like 20 mins away" I widen my eyes in shock.

"Jesus man, IKEA is only 40-50 mins away, should we just getting something at IKEA?" I could see Laura was about to agree but then...

"But Starbucks dude, come on!" I sigh knowing she was right. Once you've become obsessed with Starbucks, you can never go anywhere else.

"Right, GPS is on. Let's make track" I nod grabbing the GPS and re-adjusting it. I see Laura looking at me with a 'really' expression.

"What? I need to be able to see it" She continues with the 'really' expression for a second longer.

"There's an audio with GPS dummy" I look at her then the GPS.

"Heh, I knew that" I cough to distract from my embarrassment.

Following the instructions spoken a loud, we're held back maybe 5-7 mins because of traffic but other than, it wasn't too bad and we got there in good time.

"You stay here, I'll go in and get the drinks!" Laura spoke unbuckling her seat belt and exits the car before I could protest.

I open my window to get her attention.

"Laura, don't you need money?" She smiles and continues walking on. I guess not.

I decided I would see what they had on the IKEA website to offer.

I came to realise that by the time Laura had come back with our drinks, I found a few little bargains-or treasures.

"Here is your drink sir!" She said handing it to me, the cup is really warm but it felt so good in hand.

"Thanks Laura, means a lot. So, I did a little research" She raises her eyebrows sipping her drink.

"Yeah? Anything good!" I nod my head with enthusiasm.

"Yep, let's say... how would you feel about a IKEA themed home?" No words got said but...

"Ross, that's a dream come true — but IKEA is expensive. Like, it truly is expensive" I sigh once more, I can understand. I saw some of the prices. My heart cried.

"Laura, for the last and final time. Money is no issue with me okay?" She nods giving up and turning the music on within the car.

"I'm sorry. It's just because how hard it can be to live without money" I take her hand in mind and give it a gentle squeeze.

"I know Laura, but like I said — I've been saving and I have a job now. I'm not too worried. If I didn't think I could afford it. I wouldn't do it"

"Okay" we smile at each in reassurance.

"We'll have a fun time in IKEA, I know it"

"Yeah, I know I cannot wait"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2021 ⏰

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