Together We're Safe

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The next morning, I heard a slight moan sound for a second - that snapped my eyes awake.

"What the-"

"I'm sorry, I wanted to watch the TV but the was the first thing that was on and I couldn't figure out how to work the telly, the best I could do was mute it" She laughs at first but then shows me herself. I look at the telly and right enough there were 2 girls getting on together, muted but you could tell one was near their end.

"Un-mute it" Laura hits me playfully.

"Ross, no way" She presses the 'OFF' button before I could protest, I laugh at her actions.

"Shall we eat breakfast?" Getting up and out of bed, going into the fridge to get 2 breakfast burritos. They looked good, but whether they tasted good was another thing.

"Let's see if they were worth the money, eh?" She nods smiling and stretching at the same time.

I take the burritos out of their packaging and place both of them on a plate, placing them into the microwave, I tap 2 minutes of cook time.

"I swear, those cost 1 large mocha latte in Starbucks" I hear Laur gasps finding out the first set of prices.

"That's bloody insane Ross" I shrug my shoulders in response.

"That's the prices we're going to have to deal with now that we're in North Cali, but don't worry we can handle it. Maybe when we move into an apartment together, we can possibly sign up for HelloFresh and just have them plan our meals, I've heard of them? That way we sort out other things along the way" She nods in agreement.

"Sounds like a good idea, we have very similar palates when it comes to food, yeah, let's do that. We can split who does the cooking since we can both do it too" I nod, agreeing with her too.


"Get our breakfast out so we can eat it Lynch" I laugh opening the door to the microwave and grab the plate, it was warm to the touch.

"I mean, they smell good" I laugh placing the plate between Laura & I on the bed. She gently picks her up too. We tap our burritos against each other.

"Cheers," We both burst out laughing in response.

When we both take our first bite.  I was surprised, it tasted quite good.

"Whoa, either I've not had any good food in a long while and this taste good or it's actually good" I nod agreeing with her.

"Yeah, so shall we go out, you apply to local shops and supermarkets - I'll see bout getting us that viewing?" Laura smiles at me and leans over towards me. I take it as she wants a hug. So I meet her halfway with a hug.

"Let's get ready," I say, letting go of my best friend.

"Let's see about getting our lives started shall we?" We both nod at each other.

We get ourselves sorted, wash our faces, brush our teeth & make ourselves smell nice.

As I got dressed in black trousers, a nice jumper and fix my hair, I turn to find Laura's hair half straight and half curled, gentle application of makeup and she placed herself into a lovely navy blue dress.

"Whoa" is all I could say.

"What? I knew when we were doing this I'd need something nice to wear for interviews or even little nights out"

"What I wouldn't give..." I mumble quietly to myself, in hopes that she wouldn't hear me.

"Do I look nice enough?" I nod, no words could compare.

"I can't give you fair enough words, me, as your friend can't say what I want to say because there's an interest, BUT, if I was an employer, I'd hire you" She smiles, cheeks going a light shade of pink.

"Thanks, Ross, means a lot. You're looking very dashing too" I could only make a 'heh' escape my lips.

"I want to make myself look adult if I want to ask about the apartment, I'll need to contact my work too" she nods, her eyes giving me a serious glare.

"Good idea! I'll set off, text me when you've done what you've managed. We'll meet up?" I nod, brushing off my clothes.

I listen as Laura grabs her phone and puts it into a small bag she must've grabbed from home and leaves the hotel room.

"Good luck Lynch"

"You too Marano" I shout before the door shuts and I'm left on my own for whatever hours until we see each other again.

Turning the telly off, I grab my phone and shove it into my front trouser pocket.

"Let's do this"

-> a bit later

I find the renting agency Luke suggested to us. It's open thankfully.

I push the door open to the building hearing a low but clearly as hell bell ring right above.

"Welcome, Sir. Please take a seat" I nod following the guy's suggestion.

"Are you new to the area?" I smile faintly.

"Yes. I'm new and so is my friend. We're looking for a 2-bed apartment" the guy across the desk from me nods and taps away on his laptop.

"I've got 3 in the area" I nod thinking I know the 3.

"My friend & I want to view the one with the veranda," no more words said, he continues to tap away.

"Okay, I can do it later today at 3 pm?" YES.

"Yes, that's great," he writes some information on a piece of paper.

"Awesome, my name is Carlos and I will see you later on in that case" I nod, reaching my hand to be polite, he accepts my hand gesture and we shake hands.

"Thank you, Carlos, see you later. I'm Ross by the way" He clicks his fingers towards me, and walks to the back of the office disappearing from sight.

I leave the building, immediately thinking I need to let Laur know about the viewing later on, so I send her a text; 'Laura, guess what? If we aren't together by half 2, we need to meet at an address for the viewing I landed for us :)' I press send, and shove my phone back into my pocket, looking around to see what shops are available.

I see a few cafes, a library, a few supermarkets, a farmers market down the road, one huge carpark at the other end of the road. I also see a laundromat, that's good I guess.

Walking towards the laundromat, I look at the prices, let me say, not too pleased.

My phone rings telling me I received a text back from Laura, 'Hey, that's awesome. I've already been to half the shops in the area, I got lucky with one interview for the library - I will probably see you before then, so see you soon :)' reading her text made me smile, of course, she got an interview for the library, one of many good things about my best friends is her love for the books. If she can work in that sort of environment, she'll love working every day.

'See you soon then Laura, I'm looking around the area to see what's available too' I press send on that text and look up to find quite possibly my place of work.

Game Zone.

And to my luck, they have a sign saying they're hiring. I push the door open hearing the familiar ding from the bell above me, I hear staff speaking to one another before realising I'm in their store.

"Hello, can I help you?"

"Hi, I saw you're 'hiring' sign in the window, I'm new to the area and looking for some work, I'm interested in working with the gaming industry.

"Awesome, I'm happy to see interest, let's get you to the back office for that interview, you available just now?" I smile widely, thankful that I made myself presentable today.

"Yes, I am" I follow Gene to the back office, I become more excited by the second. Looking around my possibly new environment.

Together We're Safe - Rauraحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن