Back Story

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a little about Ross Lynch...

Ross Lynch, 24-year-old years old. Brown hair and brown eyes. No siblings. A small household with no mother-- she died when Ross was 15. Ross has been suffering an abusive relationship with his father ever since. He terrorised him every day. Ross's mental health got so bad, that his grades dropped dramatically. He dropped outta school because he knew he wouldn't graduate with the grades he wanted. So, he dropped out but managed to get a job during school hours so he has a reason to leave the house without getting stressed.

Ross dreads returning home every night as his father is always in a bad mood. He brings a woman home with him after a goodnight out-- which is every night. Did I mention that Ross's mother Stormie, left her son, her only son her inheritance, she left Ross around 80k, she had an amazing job and saved like fucking crazy, she also never touched the money her mother left her because she wanted to put that towards her own children's future.

But besides that, Mark, Ross's father, is the only one at the beginning of that time that had access to those funds because Ross wasn't to get the money until he turned 18.

Let's say, Ross has about half a year of a 4-year worth funds left. Do you get what I mean?

But, every month that Ross works in his little secret job, he tells no one-- he just saves it up-- month after month.

a little about Laura Marano...

Laura Marie Marano, 24 years old (exactly one month older than Ross) Brown hair, brown eyes. One sibling, but she never knew her. Her mother always told her when she had her sister Vanessa, she was in a really bad place and she gave her up for adoption at a young age. It's sad really.

She later found out, a little after 10 years old that she found Vanessa's father and became pregnant once with her, Laura. Ellen moved all around California. Thinking it was best. But she knew the guys that our dad worked for, would be chasing our mother because he made him a father to 2 children who she also refuses to let him see.

Of course, she moved from California to Los Angeles. That's where no one knew Ellen or her youngest daughter Laura.

Fresh and clean slate.

But, a couple of years later, Ellen spiralled out of control after conflicting with someone she didn't know was behind pubs and dealing with all sorts of crap. Drugs and booze and nasty stuff.

Laura then started to suffer the consequences afterwards, foul language was used on a daily basis.

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