Together We're Safe

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I feel like skipping out of the store, the interview went quite well. I gave him my phone number to be able to contact me and I was free to go. Turning back onto the main road where all the main street shops are. Who would have known the interview would've taken just under an hour.

I see the Starbucks across the road and take the chance whilst it's not busy to cross. I decide to just grab 2 hot chocolates and find out where my best friend is.

Walking into the store, I text Laura.

"Hey, can I get 2 medium-hot chocolates to go please, just plain" The guy behind the counter nods and gets on with my order.

'Laura, where are you? Let's meet up, getting us drinks' I send it and wait for the drinks to be finished off.

"Here you go, 2 plain hot chocolate drinks, £9.50 please" I nod, handing him a £10 note.

"Thanks, keep the change" the guy smiles and places the note into the register.

'Hey, I'm in the library - join me' I chuckle at the fact my best friend is in her natural habitat.

'Be there in a few' I send back and slowly but surely make my way towards the building that currently holds Laura hostage. Taking small delicate drinks from my hot chocolate, I try to not burn my throat.

Walking inside the library, it's quiet and not very big but somehow there's a huge amount of books. Practically every single wall or bookshelf has books lined with books, maybe, just maybe I'll find something that will interest me.

After a few crazy rounds of looking, I finally find my best friend.

"There you are" I whisper gently not wanting to get my head cut off the minute I attempt to start speaking. Laura looks up smiling - she sees the drink in my hand and her eyes widen.

"Gimme gimme!" I chuckle lightly and slowly hand her drink, kneeling down to sit next to her.

"How did it go?" She smiles looking at me, nodding.

"Good, I'll hopefully hear back, I'm also hoping if I stay here long enough they'll see that I'm dedicated to the library too!" I nod, nudging her shoulder playfully.

"Sneaky bitch"

-- a bit later...

We're standing outside the building, it's fairly large but I see the balcony - it's a good size. It almost looks like a penthouse from the ground. I am quite excited to see the inside, but I am also worried that the outside gives a false impression.

"What do you think?" Laura looks at the building.

"What do I think, I am already planning the furniture, my job if I get it, is weekly pay" I chuckle hugging my best friend by our sides.

"Let's go then" I take her hand in mines and walk inside the building, making our way to the top floor, we did see a lift at the side, but to our misfortune, it's not working.

As we climb the stairs, we hear talking at the very top.

"Yes, I'm waiting for a young man to come and view this apartment with the balcony" We both hear as we get to the top landing eventually.

"Hi there Ross, hi there...?" I see him staring at Laur in confusion.

"This is my best friend & room mate Laura" he smiles nodded getting the apartment keys from his pocket and opens the door.

"Please, go right on in!" He pushes the door open and allows us both access past him.

"Thanks Gene" Gently urging Laura into the flat with my hand on the back of her shoulder.

We both walk in, the studio apartment was bigger than the photos showed it to be.

"Whoa" Laura chuckles at my side and trots to the balcony. I follow her because I was curious too. But looking around the apartment. You could see certain parts of the place.

The kitchen was open plan, but there was like a squarish looking area on the sealing.  The bathroom was closed off, thankfully. I've seen different studio apartments where the toilets are in open spaces, weird right?

Both bedrooms were equally the same size. Bonuses were both had built-in wardrobes.

"Laura, come here" I shouted a little bit and realised it echoed. I laughed at the echo.

"Your voice just echoed through the whole place!" I nodding laughing again.

"I think it's because there's no furniture in here" She nods and looks about again herself.

"I don't need to look about, love the features about the place. It's a good size and if we have to, we'll divide the apartment with curtains or something?" Laura's smile continues to grow.

"I like it Ross. We should go for it" I nod pulling her into a hug quickly.

"Stay here, look around for a bit" pushing me away playfully she goes back to balcony. Something tells me she'll be there a lot.

I walk back over to Gene and he smiles noticing me approach him.

"You decided yet?" Smiling widely I nod.

"Yep! We'll take it. How much do I need to pay?" He grabs the paper work from the satchel at his side.

"Are you moving in right away or are you residing somewhere right now?" Knowing Laura would want to move in when there's some furniture, we'll stay at the hotel for a bit longer.

"We're residing at a hotel nearby so we'll move in when we have some furniture bought and delivered!" He nods placing the papers on a little side table outside the apartment.

"If you can sign here, I'll take your card information for the payment of £750, £350 for the deposit and the rest for the rent!" I nod.

"Okay, how will I make the payment?" He reaches again into his satchel and brings out a portable card reader. Modern times huh.

"Just put your card in here. I'll put in the information, I'll make a note that you've made the deposit and the rent at the same time and make sure to put that with your tenancy file!" I wait as he enters the amount on the card reader and hands it to me. I place my card into the slot and put in my code pressing enter.

Once the payment went through, he fished into his pocket for the keys and handed them to me.

"Welcome to your new home!" He congratulates me. Shakes my hand and walk away.

"Laura!" I shout walking back into the apartment and closing the door behind me.

"Where's the guy went to?"

"Gene, our landlord is gone. Becauseeeee" I lift the keys up for her to see.

"This place is ours!" Laura is so excited she practically jumps onto my waist hugging me.

"This is our home!"

Together We're Safe - RauraWhere stories live. Discover now