Attached to You.

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With groggy eyes you look towards your left. You stared at the white silky sheets with flower patterns on them. Your disappointment was quick to come when you didn't see your wife next to you. You glanced at the clock: 8:00 AM.

'Crap.' You internal thought. You were late with a meeting with Lord Heisenberg. You panicked for a second before realizing it's Karl. You couldn't care less if you were late for that meeting.

You continue to get ready figuring you should still show up late or not. You walked downstairs to bid your wife and your doll-like-child goodbye.

"Hey Don, Angie." You greeted taking a seat beside Donna.

"Aren't you late?" The gremlin asked.

"Yeah, but Karl should be glad I even considered blessing him with my presence." You said putting a hand on Angie's head.


"Okay Angie, that's enough." Donna interrupted.

"Do you really have to go?" Donna asked, completely ignoring Angie complaining about how you started it.

"Yes love, it's going to be quick I promise." You kissed her forehead.

She stood up and held your arm, preventing you from going anywhere, "b-but you're already late so why not reschedule, hon." She stuttered, her eyes darting around the room refusing to meet yours. You know what she's trying to do. She's done it multiple times and successfully persuaded you to stay home.

"Love, while your little trick has worked various amount of times, I have to go to this meeting." You laughed at her cute pout.

"I already told you it's going to be quick. Karl is just having trouble with something. If it takes more time than I expected, I'll give you a call." You said gently, caressing her cheek. She leans in and slowly nods.

"Okay, goodbye love." You kiss her forehead, "Goodbye Angie!" You yelled across the room.

"Wait!" You hear as Angie scurries across to you, "Where's my kiss?" She pouts.

You laugh, "Here." You kissed her forehead.

You finally went out the door with a final wave.

Donna did not do much while you were gone. She mostly sat on the couch, waiting for you return like a lost puppy.

Angie had tried to get her to play, but she refused. She told the doll she wasn't feeling up for a game of chase. Donna then tried to occupy herself with your favorite book. It only managed to work for around twenty minutes or so before her mind ran back to you.

Her thoughts were everywhere. Most of them scared about what could happen to you. Or if you would leave her. She trust you of course, but her anxiety gets the best of her.

Donna turned her head to look at the clock: 10:00 AM. Two hours since you've been gone. She can't help but be clingy to you. She doesn't want you ending up like the rest of the people in her family.

She decided to take a bath to try and distract her worrying mind. Going into the bathroom, she runs the warm water. She strips of her clothing and steps into the cool water. All of the exhaustion took over Donna's body while her eyes softly shut. Before she knew it, she fell asleep.

You quietly unlocked the front door of the house trying not to disturb anyone. Stepping inside you expected to see Donna waiting on the couch for you like always. Looking around you see no signs of her or Angie. You quickly mask your confusion and went to look for your family.

Peeking into your and Donna's shared bedroom you saw a lump in the blanket, assuming it was Donna you raised it off the figure to reveal Angie asleep. You hummed quietly as you gently put the blanket down on your poor exhausted daughter.

It took you a while to find Donna, but once you did you were full of giddiness of how adorable she looked. You slowly shook your significant other awake.

Donna grumbled from sleepiness as she forced her eyes open. As soon as she made out your silhouette, her face lit up. You stepped out the door her to get out. She quickly got out and put a towel on to hug you.

She hugged you very tight. You almost forgot how strong this woman is.

"You're not leaving me alone again for a while." She said her voice muffled by you neck. You chuckled.

"I'm not going anywhere soon, love."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2021 ⏰

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