'Jam Bitch'

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No one wants to be the new girl, but unfortunately for you its just something that you had to get used too. Since your dads job meant you could never settle down in one place moving every five seconds became second nature to you But you could never get used to the stares of being the new girl.


Your alarm had been going on for the past 10 minutes yet you ignored it and kept sleeping, you were about to catch your last breath of sleep until your dad burst in.

'Y/N WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING????' 'Sleeping?' Your reply seemed more like a question than an actual answer. 'You have school in 5 no 4 minutes.' 'And?' 'What happened to all the 'beauty takes time' or 'i don't wake up looking this good.' 'Ahhh well that's the thing dearest father, i ALWAYS look good.' 'Not right now you don't...' 'ARE YOU SAYING I LOOK UGLY?!?!?!?!?' 'Maybe i am maybe i'm not now hurry up and get dressed.' 

'You don't love me anymore...' 'Oh cut the bullshit.' 'NO SWEARING £10 IN THE SWEAR JAR.' 'That applies to you not me.' 'WOWWW OK I SEE HOW IT IS.' 'You better be ready in the next 40 seconds or i won't drive you.' 'Its fine I'll take my motorcycle.' 'Hmmm ok, I'll be working late so see ya then love you.' 'Love you.'

You picked out your uniform examining it carefully. 'Who tf thinks vomit green and pastel blue go together, I wouldn't be caught dead wearing this shit no way.' You put your uniform on and brushed your hair out  grabbed your keys and bag then made your way downstairs. You already knew you were going to be late so why try make it to school on time. You saw that your dad had already left but he made your breakfast, you decided to take it to go and eat it at lunch. You grabbed your helmet hopped onto your motorbike and drove off.

 As you got closer to the school you could see students already inside, you quickly pulled up to the school then parked your bike. You didn't have much time to take off your helmet so you just ran in. You accidently opened the doors loudly drawing all attention to you, you hadn't noticed so you just took your helmet off and blew the hair out of your face. When you looked up you saw everyone staring at you. 

Your face flushed the deepest red and then you looked down. 'Oh nah we gotta go.' You quickly made your way to your locker quickly putting your stuff in there then facing the crowd. If imma have to make a first impression this finna be it. 'STOP FUCKING STARING DO I HAVE SOMETHING ON MY FACE OR WHAT?!' 'Yea actually you do.' A really tall guy spoke from the crowd. 

No because i'm never coming back now.

You felt your cheek then felt something sticky. You pulled your hand away and saw that it was strawberry jam, you turn around banging your head on your locker out of embarrassment. The bell went signifying it was the start of class, you didn't waste any of your time and sped to your first class avoiding eye contact with everyone. C12 that was your class, first floor 2nd class. It didn't take you long to find your class as you already knew how to read your timetable. 

You walked in looked at the seating plan and saw you were sitting next to a girl, you didn't know her name so you just looked for their face. Eventually you found them and went to your seat, before you could even sit down she spoke 'Jam bitch?' 'Huh?' 'Its you isn't it Jam bitch?' 'What do you mea-' . Your eyes widened in horror, thats what your first impression lead you to be. Jam Bitch. 

As you sat down you rested your head down on the table, it was safe to say that it was your first and last day at this school. 'Hey it's ok...' 'Is it is it really you are telling me 'Jam Bitch' is a good thing.' 'Well yea it's the best thing a new person has ever gotten, i mean you made quite an entrance.' 

You lifted your head up and looked at her whilst placing a finger on your lips 'SHHHH we don't speak about that.' 'You aren't as bad as i thought 'Jam Bitch'.' 'Neither are you?' 'Emma.' 'YOU DON'T HAVE A NICKNAME AND I DO?!' 'Well yea everyone knows my older brother Manjiro Sano.' 'Does that mean I'm not included in the everyone?' 'I'll show you him later, class is about to start and i don't want any detentions...' 'Aight names Y/n by the way.' 

"Love" Keisuke Baji x Y/n L/n (fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now