Dealing with no drugs

115 7 0

Mikey's POV

Everything about Y/n had been off lately, and i know i wasn't the only one that had noticed. The past 2 days her eyes had been on Baji, way more than usual. Every time i would talk to her in class i would catch her staring at him. It wasn't even that she stared it was the way she stared.

She never stared at anyone else like that, she didn't look at me like that.


It was the end of the day and you were still on the rooftop, you wanted everyone to leave before you left so you wouldn't be asked any questions. You plucked up the courage to look at your phone and saw.

119 messages from baestie<3

12 missed calls from baestie<3

Your eyes widened in disbelief when you saw the amount of times Mikey had tried to contact you. You immediately opened the chat.




hey u just left

are you ok

class is boring without you

the teacher just farted

Y/n why are u ignoring me

have i done someting 

can you tell me

if i made u upset im sorry

i didnt mean too

are u dead

can you text me back



where are you

our second lesson just ended its lunch now

where are you

i hope you get something too eat

Y/n if there is something bothering you tell me


u missed our last 2 lessons

where are you

are u hurt


everyone is worried

have you already went home

your motorbike is still here


text me back when you can

im worried

Im ok



i'm sorry i just needed to clear my head

Its fine as long as you are ok

thank you mikey

You smiled softly whilst you read the texts, you didn't know he cared so much. You got up dusting yourself off and went home.

Mikey's POV

my phone vibrated in my pocket i opened it too see a message from Y/n, she was ok and thats all that mattered. I replied and then closed my phone and then it started vibrating again. But this time it was from an unknown caller.


I want to make a deal.

&quot;Love&quot; Keisuke Baji x Y/n L/n (fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now