Stage 1: Denial

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The school day was over and the 5 of you were walking home together, ever since lunch your vibe had been off but you didn't want anyone to catch on. The first one to leave was Baji, it was now Emma Mikey Draken and you. It didn't take long for Draken to leave though. Mikey went in so it was just you and Emma, the two of you decided to do laps around the block.

'What's wrong?' 'What do you mean? Nothings wrong...' 'I didn't take you for a liar Y/n L/n.' 'Ok fine...' 'HA I KNEW IT!' 'Remember at lunch when we were teasing baji about maiko.' 'Yea?' 'You know how he said she is pretty and has a nice personality...' 'No way. Are you jealous?' 'Jealous isn't the word I would use for this situation, why would I be jealous anyway we aren't dating.' 'But would u date him?' 'Im not answering that.' 'EEEEK YOU WOULD!' 'No he probably wants to date MaIkO anyway...' 'And you say you aren't jealous.' 'Its cuz I'm not, I think?'

Baji's POV

After lunch it was quite obvious that there was something off with Y/n's vibe, I'm sure she tried to hide it but it didn't work. We were all walking home together, it was quite silent since there wasn't much to talk about and Y/n was in a bad mood. It was my stop first, they all said bye to me except Y/n. I couldn't help but think it was my fault she is upset, but the again Y/n can be moody for no reason.

I opened the door and saw my mum wasn't home yet, she works 2 jobs so we can stay afloat, paying for my education is even worse, I try a lot so she can be happy but its hard.

I ran upstairs into my room, it was pretty basic a bed and led lights. I called Mitsuya and Chifuyu to ask about the situation and what i should do.

Mitsuya= italics 

Chifuyu= Underline

Baji= Bold

I have a question

Ofc you do

Just listen


What do you do if a girl asks your opinion on another girl asking for a friend by the way.

Well what did they ask?

What are your opinions on them and I- wait my friend said she is pretty and has a nice personality.

So y/n asked you what you think about sum girl and you said the girl is pretty and has a nice personality?

No my friend

Whatever helps you sleep at night

I think Y/n is mad at my friend but i don't know why

Y/n is jealous

Why would she be jealous

Because she probably likes your friend

I don't think so she is rather rude to her friend....

Maybe thats the way she shows it

You guys are lying im going to help my friend figure this out themselves 

Ok bye



there isn't a reason we should stay

i wanna play roblox

ugh fine



join me in tower of easy

but you suck at that game


"Love" Keisuke Baji x Y/n L/n (fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now