Sisterly advice

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'ARSON?' 'Ah my little sister.' 'WHERE WERE YOU ME AND DAD HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR AGES-' 'Who is that and why are they with child?????' 'Y/n this is Miya, my girlfriend.' 'YOUR WHAT!' 'My girlfriend and currently she is carrying Arson junior and Armani.' 'I thought we had the conversation about protection????' 'Its not like we didn't want the twins, anyway where is dad.' 'Working i think if we are done here i think me and Miya should hand out with each other.' 'Fine by me.

You took Miya by the hand and raced upstairs. 'Soo long time no see Y/n' 'It must've been a long time for you to get pregnant during that time.' 'Oh stop it, me and arson are ready i promise you.' 'I feel bad for the child though...Arson said he liked marijuana as a name.' 'Oh god no.' 'But lets stop talking about me what's going on with you?'  

'Nothing!' 'So ever since you moved to your new school absolutely nothing has happened.' 'Well, on my first day i embarrassed myself so badly, i'm surprised i didn't end up transferring.' 'You know thats not what im talking about.' 'Then what ARE you talking about.' 'Do you have a boyfriend y/n?' '...' 'No.' 

'You're lying.' 'I dont have a boyfriend but i do like someone...' 'WHO?!' 'No point he likes some girl in my class called maiko.' 'And how would you know?' 'They always smile and laugh with each other and he barley looks at me.' 

'Well then make him look at you.' 'Miya.' 'Y/n. how do you think i got arson?' 'I dont know he probably wanted your attention not the other way round.' 'Of course no, remember y/n your brother is arson l/n.' 'And so he is still ugly?' 'Never mind but if you like whatever his name is you have to make the first move.' 'UGHHHHH' 'Infact, give me your phone and let me text him.' 

"Love" Keisuke Baji x Y/n L/n (fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now