Chapter 25: Heavy Pacing.

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Shorter than usual I know, I am working on the next chapter as I type this! It's coming to and end soon though, but don't worry, I have a little something something at the end of the story ;)



They all waited in the reception room of the animal care centre anxiously. When Derek had walked in with Meg’s bruised body Alan was in shock, hoping to never see her in such a state again, questions were at the tip of his tongue but he prevented himself and quickly ushered Derek into the operation room. The rest of the pack along with Stiles and Scott tried to follow them in, but Alan shut the door behind him.

“Hold her.” Alan ordered Derek didn’t retort and did as he was told; steadying Meg by wrapping one of his strong arms around her shoulders, hugging her back to his chest, Meg was fading in and out of consciousness. Alan analysed her wounds, they were mainly bruises and burns along with a few cuts that oozed with blood but what caught his attention the most were the thumbs at an ugly angle.

“I have to align the joint again before she begins to heal.” The alpha tensed at the doctors words but said nothing, his grip on Meg only tightened. Heaving a deep breath Alan grasped her thumb and hand before swiftly locking the bone back into place, Meg jolted awake and an agonised scream left her lips.

“Meg!” Stiles called out on reflex, his hand shooting to the door handle at an attempt to open it, but the vet had locked it, he scowled.  Erica, Isaac and Boyd were equally anxious and the she-wolf flinched each time they heard Meg cry out before the sound died down.

After what felt like eternity the door opened and they all tried to push in to check on Meg but Derek emerged with Alan behind him.

“I need to treat her wounds, wait outside.” The vet ordered forcing Derek out as well, he was reluctant to leave Meg side, that much was certain when he kept trying to argue telling the vet he was the alpha and he needed to be by her side, but the doctor shot him a stern look before shutting the door and locking it again.

They all waiting anxiously in the small lobby space of the animal care centre Stiles was nibbling on the skin of his thumb, Scott was sitting with a foot that wouldn’t seize tapping, Derek was pacing, Isaac was seated with his head in his hands; Erica sat beside Isaac and kept glancing at the door and Boyd was leaning against a wall and staring into space.

Suddenly the operation room door creaked open and the ones that were sitting shot to their feet, except for Derek who stopped mid pacing and turned in the direction of the door instantly. Alan emerged in his lab coat, the sleeves were rolled up to his forearms and he was drying his hands with a towel, he was silent in his walk towards them, his expression grim.

“I was hoping I didn’t have to treat that young girl again, what happened?” He demanded, Derek, Scott and Stiles stood side by side and at the very front with Erica Boyd and Isaac behind them.

“Hunters found out about her and kidnapped her.” The pale eyed wolf informed, the vet regarded her with suspicion.

“From the looks of her wounds, kidnapping wasn’t the only thing they did.” He muttered, Stiles cringed at his words, having barely got a look at Meg when she was rushed into the room.

“How bad is it?” He asked Alan looked to Stiles.

“She will heal in a day or so, there are burn marks from severe exposure to electricity—“Derek gritted his teeth and averted his gaze. “She suffered quite a beating too, but her face is healing it’s just the burns that are going to take time.”

“The break in her thumbs seem to be self inflicted from the looks of it, she must have done it to squirm out of the cuffs because there are multiple scratches around her wrists when she slipped them off.” He explained, using his own hand as a way to indicate where Meg’s wounds were, they were all listening intently.

“She is a fighter I’ll give her that.” The vet added, they all couldn’t help but agree, from the way he described it, Meg went to hell and back.

“Can we see her?” Erica asked eager and hopeful.

“She is asleep but yes,” Alan said with a gentle nodded and stepped aside to give them room to go see Meg, Stiles went ahead of them all but Derek waited back, his heart was drowning in his stomach and he felt ill, there was so much rage and guilt built inside of him he felt like he was suffocating, Alan was quick to notice.


It was one in the morning, Scott and Stiles had to leave when Sheriff Stilinski continuously called his son’s phone and Scott remembered his mother would be home by two after her shift was complete. Boyd and Erica were hesitant to leave but they had to, to avoid being grounded by their parents. Isaac stayed behind with Derek, the blonde sat on a stool at the far corner of the room, watching over Meg. Derek was talking to Alan outside the operation room; Isaac caught snippets of the conversation.

“I can’t keep her over night; this is a place for pets not shape shifting humans.” Alan informed with bronze arms crossed over his broad chest.

“I know, I wasn’t going to leave her anyway it’s not safe.” Derek retorted.

“She didn’t have any family to go to?”

“No her…her father died a while back and she came in search for Stiles and Scott.” He hesitated in revealing too much of Meg’s past, but at the same time Alan needed to know.

“I see,” The vet mumbled under his breath understandingly and did not ask any further questions.“Take her and make sure she has enough rest Derek, physically she might be fine but I am no physiatrist, she might be scarred mentally.”

Derek nodded having paid attention to the vet’s cautioned advice, Isaac had heard the entire conversation and looked up when Derek walked in looking lost in thought as usual.

“You are taking her?” The blonde asked, Hale raised his gaze to meet Isaac’s blue eyes.

“Yeah,” He answered, Isaac got to his feet and walked over to Meg’s sleeping form, staring down at her with eyes full of sorrow.

“You don’t think the hunters managed to break her do you?” He asked looking to Derek again who was watching Meg as well.

“Considering the fact that she managed to get away, I don’t think so.” His alpha retorted gruffly.

“I can check on my way home, let you know if you are running into a trap.”

“Alright, thank you.” Isaac wasn’t used to being thanked by Derek, he wasn’t even sure if the alpha had realised what he said but Isaac uttered no words and left, sensing Derek’s distress.

Meg cried out, her body jolting forward from the pain that shot up her arm. Derek held on tightly as Alan took a grip on her other hand before another sickening crack echoed in the air. Derek tried to soothe the pain away as much as he could, running his fingers through her damp hair, burying his face into the crown of her head and muttering reassuring words into her hair at an attempt to calm her. Meg seemed to hear him through the pain and fell back against him; the pain had taken a heavy toll on her body along with the exertions of the escape.

Alan sighed under his breath, regretful of being the one who had to inflict the pain on the young girl, but she can rest now. He raised his gaze to ask Derek to leave so he can treat the rest of her wounds but he was surprised by what he said. Meg was resting in the crook of his left arm, her face tilted up and her inky lashes fanning over her high cheek bones. A few tear drops starred her lashes and dirt smudged her skin but Derek took notice and rubbed the padded base of his thumb against her warm skin. Alan was taken aback by the werewolf’s actions, watching the way he stared down at Meg with a guilt stricken expression and tender eyes, the vet’s gaze fell on the girl wondering just what kinda of a girl she was to leave such an impression on Derek Hale.

Derek watched her sleep; Alan had draped a blanket he had found over her body hiding her bandages. He walked towards her hesitantly and stood beside; taking in the sight of her damp dishevelled hair, bruised face and chapped lips. He stared at her, his heart clenching. 

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