Bed time visit

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"Mommy when can we go back to the boardwalk?" I ask her rubbing my eyes

"When you learn how to stay with me, you know how scared we were to see you weren't with us? We found you on a park bench Emma! I thought we lost you. Oh, you must have been so scared." She cries. I frown while staring at her. I was with my friends when I fell asleep. How did she not know that? Why would I have been scared?

"Mommy you're silly I was with my friends. They told me they would help me find you after we celebrated my birthday. I wasn't scared at all because I was with my friends!" I tell her with a smile. Looking at me she frowns and shakes her head.

"Yeah well you and your imaginary friends will be the end of me." She says while lifting me off the ground. "Alright bedtime for you two, come on Sam." Grabbing his hand she takes us upstairs to the room grandpa gave us. A purple bed on the left that was given to me and a red one for Sam on the right. Placing me down she helps Sam into bed, while she is busy I walk over to mine and climb in since I'm a big girl and I don't need help. Turning her head she looks at me and smiles, "You two are growing up so fast. I'm gonna miss this when you get to Michaels age."

"My friends are older than Michael," I tell her with a proud grin

"Oh are they? Well maybe you shouldn't be hanging out with them." She tells me, "Especially when they get you to leave your family worried sick about you." She continues a little bitterly. Frowning I cross my arms. They are my only friends, why would she try to ruin it. Mommy can be so mean at times.

"I won't, I'm a big girl and can hang out with whomever I decide to!" I pout, I'm not a little kid anymore. Sighing, she stands up and walks towards the door.

"I'm not going to argue with you. Goodnight guys sleep well." With that she turns the lights off and closes the door. Sam stands from his bed with a flashlight and comes over to mine.

"Did you really meet those guys? Are they really your friends?" He whispers

"Yup, I sure did. They are my friends as well, they said it themselves." I whisper back to him. Nodding he gives me with a smile.

"Well, Maybe you will see them again."

"I know I will, they told me I would." Climbing out of my bed Sam heads to his own, before saying a quiet goodnight. Saying goodnight back I closed my eyes. I couldn't help but think about the next time I will see my friends.

A tapping noise wakes me up from my sleep. Looking around the room I noticed it had become very dark. The tapping noise continues sparking my curiosity more and more with every tap. Climbing out of my bed in my white nightgown I walk to the window. I felt like Wendy from Peter Pan wearing my night dress. Making it to the window I see Paul and Marko looking at me with a smile. They came back! Quickly I open my window with a huge smile while looking at them.

"Can we come in little sister?" A voice from behind them asks, being far too excited to hear the last part I nod eagerly. One by one the four men make their way into my room while glancing around.

"Were you flying?" I ask them, David smirks slightly before picking me up

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"Were you flying?" I ask them, David smirks slightly before picking me up.

"Yes, but you can't tell anyone about this or us."

"Why not?" I ask in confusion

"Because" Paul draws out while walking closer to David and me "No one else can know about this, except you. Especially your Mom."


"Emma, if your Mommy knows about us we won't be able to visit you anymore. We wouldn't be able to be friends anymore. Wouldn't that make you sad? It would make us very sad, you don't want us to be sad would you?" Marko explains, tears build in my eyes as I look at them. I don't want to lose my friends!

"Mm sorry... I told Mommy about you. I don't wanna stop being friends," I tell them crying, smiling Dwayne pats my head.

"It's okay Emma, just don't tell her about us ever again. She'll forget about it and we'll be together forever."

"Really? Forever!" I ask with a huge smile on my face, tears being forgotten by the news.

"Yes forever, and we'll teach you how to fly just like we can." Marko tells me

"Like Peter Pan, are you guys like him?"

"Something like that," Paul snickers, nodding as I get out of David's arms. I ran over to a table in my room to grab a picture. Taking it over to them I show them with a proud smile.

"Look what I drew! There is me and that's Dwayne and David and Paul and Marko!" I tell them

"Wow, very cool Emma," Dwayne says, bending over to pick me up.

"You guys keep it!" I tell them with a small yawn rubbing my eyes. The adrenaline that once kept me wide awake now was wearing off. Leaving me with nothing but exhaustion left.

"I think it is time for bed honey," Paul chuckles softly.

"You'll come back right?" I ask tiredly

"Of course we will. One day you'll be able to stay with us all the time. We will party all night and sleep all day." David tells me.

"Promise?" I ask him, opening his mouth to answer, he stops before looking at the other side of the room. Sam comes out from his bed to look at us. Wide eyes he screams monsters before running towards the door. Dwayne quickly places me into bed.

"We promise, sleep tight little sister." He quickly says, and in a blind of an eye they are gone. Sam soon came in with Mommy who looked around the room in a panic.

"Emma was someone here?" she asked me. Opening my mouth to say yes I stop remembering what Marko told me.

"No Mommy, no one was here."


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