Ville's Heart-Killer

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"And you are the tenth caller!" The radio person announced. I couldn't help but scream and jump around my kitchen. All my life--well, at least for the last decade--all I had ever wanted was to go to a HIM concert, and because of my luck for the tenth caller, I was going to.

Though all the good and bad times in my life VHIM's music had spoke to me. When I was sad it cheered me up. When I was happy it made everything all the better. When I was kissing my boyfriend...well, let's just say it was more fun.

Now, with the guarantee of two free tickets and an all expense paid trip to Finland all my dreams were about to come true.

Who knows? Maybe by the end of the trip my last name would be Valo. I wouldn't mind that one bit. In case I didn't stand a chance I would be bringing the boyfriend. I doubted that Leo would be too excited about seeing me drool over some other guy, but I needed some fun for afterwards, didn't I?

Later that night.

I stood in my room packing my bags. The plane would leave in the morning. Leo was already fast asleep in bed. I could see his chest slowly rise and drop as he breathed. I smiled and went back to my packing.

Earlier that day I made sure to download all of my HIM Cd's onto my MP3 player. It might have been old, but it had been the thing on which I had downloaded my first HIM song, and for that it would have to stay to have the rest of the songs downloaded on until the band quit making new ones.

When I had finished packing everything I threw on some black shorts, a plain white tang top, and put on my lucky Heartagram necklace. The chain it hung on was getting old and worn. I had to take the utmost care to make sure the little pendant never fell off. I remember the first day I wore this. I had ordered my HIM Cd and it had come with it. I had worn it for a month straight and my mother thought I was crazy. She thought it was a phase, but in reality it was a life changer. If only she could see me now, 21 and ready to do something that I never thought possible.

I crawled into bed and turned off the lamp. I yawned and rolled onto my side to face Leo. I bet if I dyed his long blond hair black it would look like Ville's. I yawned again and threw off the thought. 

Tomorrow I would be on a plane heading to exactly where I always wanted to be. My Cd player was still having Ville sooth me to sleep by singing the second verse of 'Close to the Flame as I felt myself drifting off to sleep. Tomorrow, I, Alli Parker, would be on the way to making all my wildest dreams come true.

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