Under the Waves

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Ville wanted my mother and sister to accompany us to the beach, but they declined the offer and decided to stay home so that the two of us could be alone together. I wasn't against it at all, but it seemed that Ville was a little saddened by their rejection. 

We took my car out to the lake. Ville wanted to listen to some of my CD's on the drive, but I was too embarrassed to tell him that I only stored my HIM CD's in my car. I instead threw on the radio and we sang along to that. I was blushing at the whole scene. He sounded so much better than I did. I didn't even when I stopped singing and just started to listen to his soothing voice. His voice was a soft wave lapping at the shore, a peaceful thing that was to be admired.

Before long we were at the beach, where there were actual waves lapping at the beach, and seeing them just confirmed that I had been right about Ville's voice. We set up our towels and took off our clothes to show our swimsuits that had been underneath. Ville looked so out of place. He was the palest thing on the beach, at least, in the places where he didn't have any tattoos.

He ran into the water like he was a natural born swimmer with no fear of the cold. I, on the other hand, dipped a toe in and shivered. "Coming in dear?" Ville called to me from meters away in the water. 

I stood on the shore and yelled back. "I'll be there in a minute!" When in reality, It would probably take me a minute to build up the courage just to stand in the water again. Ville swam forward a little bit to come back to shore, but started to walk once he got to a place where he could stand. He started walking back to the shore when I called to him, "You don't have to come out of the water, I'm coming!"

He just smiled at me as he kept on walking. "That's the thing though." He got to shore and stood besides me. "I don't believe you." Ville then scooped me up in his arms and started walking back out into the water. When he got to the edge of where he could stand he told me, "Hold on tight," and before I could get out another word he had gone underwater, with me still in his arms.

I looked around from under the water and saw him still smiling at me. I felt a sudden rush of bravery. I leaned forward and kissed him. When we broke apart a smile grew on each of our lips and bubbles came out from between them. He stood up again so that we could breathe in a fresh breath of air. 

In that moment everything was perfect, at least until I looked around and saw Leo on the beach, and he saw Ville and me too. The day could have still gone well, but then he started to come towards us, and not even with a sliver of happiness on his face. Instead his face had a twinge of jealously mixed with pure hatred.

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