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My day started with a temperate cup of tea. Today would be the last average day of my life. Once I was dressed I roused Leo out of bed. We had to wake up at 4am in order to get to Finland in time to make our hotel arrangements. The concert wasn't until tomorrow, but it was still best to get there early.

I called a taxi to dirve me and Leo to the airport. The cab company didn't sound to happy to be driving so early, but nonetheless, the turned up on time. 

The whole time spent in the airport wasn't long. We had arrived just on time to catch our flight. A minute later and it would have left us there. The plane ride would take ten hours. For eight of those I slept, as did Leo. He hadn't been happy with my waking him, but he was more than happy to go back to sleep. 

When we arrived in the strange new country it was like a rush of fresh air in my lings. As soon as I stepped off the plane I knew that this was where I was supposed to be, now and forever, if not my whole life. I grabbed Leo's hand and rushed him off to get our luggage. Once we got it I met someone and asked them where we could find a taxi. They answered back in a broken English and a thick accent, but years of listening to interviews of Ville and the rest of the band helped me understand what they were saying. Thirty minutes later we were at our hotel.

The time change was really messing with me, and it was already bed time again. We quickly ordered some room service and ate while watching some local news. Leo could not seem to stay awake and once the show was over I had to remove the plate from his chest to put it on top of a table. I would wash it in the morning, it was too late now.

I couldn't sleep at all. I was too excited for my pending future. I would be as close to the stage as I could get. I also had VIP passes. My heart felt like it was going to explode. It was like the wings of a butterfly were fluttering in my chest. I might be able to meet Ville, I might get to talk to him...I might get to touch him. I let out a little scream. Leo rolled over in his sleep. I dug out a HIM poster from my bag and clung onto it. Tomorrow, Ville would be this close to me...

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